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发布时间:2016/5/13 16:27:57

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       主要研究方向为:人工智能、机器人、群体智能、计算智能、设计自动化、机器学习、机器视觉。回国前主持完成丹麦技术创新局3项国家级科技项目,培养3名博士生获得丹麦科技大学博士学位。回国后已主持包括国家自然科学基金面上项目和国家和省部级科研项目30项,承担项目总经费3700多万元。共发表国际期刊会议论文238篇,其中SCI检索论文86篇(期刊论文发表总计101篇),EI检索论文123篇(会议论文发表总计137篇),论文被引4726次,H指数35,入选2021、2022年度美国斯坦福大学全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单;已获授权专利68项,其中授权的发明专利37项,授权的实用新型专利31项,申请软件著作权9项;出版中文专著和英文专著各1部,代表性成果在《IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging》、《IEEE Transactions on Image Processing》、《IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation》、《IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics》、《IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering》等国际顶级期刊发表。多次受邀在重要的国内国际会议(如GECOO、WCCI、CEC、ECOLE等)上做主题演讲。目前担任IEEE高级会员、广东省图象图形学会常务理事、中国人工智能学会智能机器人专委会执行委员、中国仿真学会智能仿真优化与调度专委会委员、中国自动化学会大数据专委会委员、广东省图象图形学会计算机视觉专委会委员、中国图象图形学学会文档图像分析与识别专委会委员、广东省科协智能制造学会联合体第一届专家委员会委员,是国家自然科学基金、教育部科技奖励、教育部长江学者等项目的评审专家。荣获中国图象图形学学会科技进步奖、中国自动化学会科普奖、俄罗斯工程院工程勇士勋章、中国产学研创新合作创新奖、中国商业联合会科学技术奖等。



  1. 2000年8月-2004年5月, Michigan State University USA (密歇根州立大学) 电子和计算机工程系 博士, 导师: Prof. Erik  Goodman
  2. 1995年9月-2000年7月, 华中科技大学 自动控制工程系 硕士, 导师: 汪秉文教授
  3. 1991年9月-1995年7月, 华中科技大学 自动控制工程系 本科, 导师: 汪秉文教授


  1. 2018年5月至今,汕头市机器人与智能制造研究院执行院长
  2. 2016年1月至今,广东省进化智能与机器人国际联合研究中心主任
  3. 2014年9月至今, 汕头大学广东省数字信号与图像处理技术重点实验室主任
  4. 2013年1月至今, 汕头大学工学院电子工程系教授, 系主任
  5. 2012年4月至今, 汕头大学, 工学院, 特聘教授
  6. 2011年5月至2012年3月, 密歇根州立大学BEACON国家科技中心, 研究员
  7. 2008年1月至2011年4月, 丹麦科技大学, 管理工程系, 副教授
  8. 2007年7月至2007年12月, 丹麦科技大学, 机械工程系, 副教授
  9. 2004年6月至2007年6月, 丹麦科技大学, 机械工程系, 助理教授
  10. 2000年8月至2004年5月, 密歇根州立大学, 电子与计算机科学系, 研究助理


智能计算、 智能机器人、 图像处理


  1. 2017年10月至今,第六届中国人工智能学会智能机器人专业委员会执委
  2. 2016年5月至今,华南理工大学客座教授
  3. 2011年5月至今, 同济大学客座教授
  4. 2009年9月至2010年9月, 北京理工大学客座教授
  5. 2008年5月至2008年8月, 法国贡比涅工学院访问副教授
  6. 2007年9月至2010年9月, 武汉理工大学客座教授


  1. 2021,中国图象图形学学会科技进步二等奖(第一完成人)
  2. 2021,入选斯坦福2%全球顶尖科学家
  3. 2019,中国产学研创新合作奖
  4. 2017,中国商业联合会科学技术奖三等奖(排名第一)
  5. 2017, 汕头市“五一劳动奖章”
  6. 2015, 中国商业联合会科学技术奖三等奖(排名第一)
  7. 2012, 中国商业联合会科学技术奖三等奖(排名第一)
  8. 2010, IEEE 高级会员
  9. 2009, Alectia Fond Award 阿莱克第亚基金奖
  10. 2003, GECCO Best-Paper Award Finalist 进化计算国际会议最佳论文奖提名
  11. 2000,  Rockwell Automation Scholarship 洛克威尔自动化奖学金


  1. 2022-2025,主持科技创新2030 -“新一代人工智能”重大项目,项目编号:2021ZD0111502
  2. 2022-2025,主持国家自然科学基金项目“融合知识自动化和约束多目标优化的移动机械臂智能设计方法研究”
  3. 2020-2022,主持粤港澳大湾区国际科技创新中心建设项目“融合深度学习和多目标进化计算的智能机器人设计自动化研究与应用”,项目编号:2021A0505030072
  4. 2020-2021,主持粤港澳大湾区国际科技创新中心建设项目“2020工业信息学国际会议暨中俄科技合作交流项目”,项目编号:2021A0505070003
  5. 2019-2022,参与广东省科技创新战略专项资金项目“人工智能与数字制造国际产业技术创新联盟”,项目编号:2019A050520001
  6. 2019-2022,主持2019广东省国际科技合作基地项目“融合多目标进化计算和深度神经网络的机器人设计自动化平台”,项目编号:2019A050519008
  7. 2019-2021,主持2019广东省科技专项资金项目“广东省数字信号与图像处理技术重点实验室建设”,项目编号:190827105585418
  8. 2019-2020,参与2019广东省科技专项资金项目“集成图像识别和六轴机器人协同运动精确控制的钢坯标示系统设计及关键技术研究”
  9. 2019-2020,主持2019智能机器人组集控室操作机器人触摸平台研发,经费编号:140-21219013,合同编号:0387002019040105DY00133
  10. 2019-2021,主持2019广东省科技专项资金项目“汕头大学人工智能与机器人科普教育基地”
  11. 2019-2020,主持华中科技大学数字制造装备与技术国家重点实验室2019年开放课题“路桥检测用复合机器人系统的设计自动化研究”,课题编号: DMETKF2019020
  12. 2019-2020,参与复杂系统智能控制与决策国家重点实验室开放基金“适应复杂地形的移动平台系统智能自动化技术研究”
  13. 2018-2020,主持2018年广东省科技创新战略专项资金实验室建设专题项目“基于深度学习的电厂检修机器人系统研究及应用”
  14. 2018-2019,主持汕头市机器人与智能制造研究院项目
  15. 2018-2019,主持与华能汕头海门发电有限责任公司合作开发项目“用于电厂动力管路在线作业的智能机器人项目”
  16. 2018-2019,主持与深圳市巨力方视觉技术有限公司合作开发项目“智能机器视觉应用软件研发”
  17. 2018-2020,主持广东高校省级重大科研项目 “一种用于路桥检测的复合型机器人系统的智能设计”,项目编号:2017KZDXM032
  18. 2017-2018,主持2017年中央引导地方科技发展专项“广东省数字信号与图像处理技术重点实验室建设”
  19. 2017-2019,主持广东省科技计划项目“广东省数字信号与图像处理技术重点实验室运行经费”,项目编号:2017B030314100
  20. 2016-2018,主持2016年中央支持地方高校发展专项“广东省数字信号与图像处理技术重点实验室建设”
  21. 2015-2017,主持与汕头市万格文教科技实业有限公司合作开发项目“可编程教育机器人硬件系统关键技术研发”
  22. 2015-2018,主持广东普通高校国际暨港澳台合作创新及国际合作重大项目“基于进化计算的智能机器人系统自动优化设计”, 项目编号:2015KGJH2014
  23. 2014-2017,主持广东高校国家级重大培育项目, 2014GKXM044, 复杂机电系统的集成智能研究
  24. 2014-2017,主持广东省教育厅“机电一体化系统的智能设计框架及其应用研究”
  25. 2014-2018,参与科研项目“分布式计算智能理论及应用”, 国家自然基金, 项目编号:1332002
  26. 2013-2015,主持省数控一代项目“粤东数控一代创新应用综合服务平台”, 项目编号:2013B011304002
  27. 2012-2015,主持科研项目“混合机电系统的控制器和被控对象并行进化设计研究”, 该项目由中国国家自然科学基金面上项目资助, 基金资助号: 61175073
  28. 2013-2015,主持科研项目“机电一体化系统的智能设计及其应用研究”, 汕头大学科研启动经费项目, 项目编号:NTF12024
  29. 2013-2017,参与科研项目“面向多样化需求的开放式结构产品可适应设计”, 国家自然科学基金项目, 项目编号:51375289
  30. 2011-2012,联合主持科研项目“Evolutionary Design of Bio-inspired Fish-type Flying Robot Actuated by Artificial Muscles (由人造肌肉驱动的仿生鱼形飞行机器人进化设计)”, 该项目由美国国家科学基金会赞助BEACON中心用于运动演化的研究. (美国国家科学基金会项目编号No. DBI-0939454)
  31. 2010-2011, 获得Hans Christian Ørsted Postdoc Fond 博士后基金(丹麦科技大学项目编号95-4248-81082)
  32. 2009, Alectia Fond Award Recipient阿莱克第亚基金奖获得者, 由于在健康医疗领域的工作和其他11人共同获得
  33. 2009, 获得Otto Mønsted Fond 奥特.孟思德基金资助访问教授 (丹麦科技大学项目编号:95-4248-81070)
  34. 2008-2011,主持科研项目“On Key Technical Issues to Commercialize Hospital Robotic Transportation Systems (商业化医院用交通机器人系统的关键技术研究) ”, 该项目由企业FORCE Technology Inc和 Danish Agency for Science Technology and Innovation 丹麦科技和创新局(相当于中国国家自然科学基金会)共同资助(研究局项目编号07-023362, 丹麦科技大学项目编号95-4248-80817)
  35. 2008-2011,主持科研项目“Direct Vision Based Molten Pool Feature Extraction in Automated Arc Welding (基于视觉感知的熔池特征提取和自动焊接控制)”, 该项目由企业FORCE Technology Inc, 和 Danish Agency for Science Technology and Innovation丹麦科技和创新局(相当于中国国家自然科学基金会)共同资助(研究局项目编号08-032306, 丹麦科技大学项目编号95-4248-80924)
  36. 2007-2010,主持国际合作研究项目“Automated Design of Advanced Mechatronic Systems (高级机电系统的自动设计)”, 该项目由Danish Agency for Science Technology and Innovation丹麦科技和创新局(相当于中国国家自然科学基金会)资助(研究局项目编号645-06-0186, 丹麦科技大学项目编号95-4248-80844)
  37. 2007,获得Otto Mønsted Fond 奥特.孟思德基金资助访问教授 (丹麦科技大学项目编号95-4248-80846)
  38. 2004-2006, 作为成员参与欧盟教育项目, “Asia Link – Promoting and Assisting Engineering Design Education in China (连接亚洲– 提升中国的工程设计教育)”. 欧盟项目编号ASI/B7-301/98/679-09
  39. 2000-2004, 作为成员参与美国自然基金项目, “Automated Design of Mechatronic Systems Using Bond Graphs and Genetic Programming (基于功率键图和基因编程的机电系统自动设计)”, 美国自然基金会项目编号DMI 0084934


  1. 2022年4月受邀在第2届元宇宙与智慧医疗高峰论坛会议上作线上报告,报告题目为《元宇宙赋能医学图像处理的一些思考》会议回放见:https://meeting.tencent.com/v2/cloud-record/share?id=3aa35aed-9f4d-460f-8552-f0300a8b7a46&from=3&is-single=true
  2. 2021年11月应邀出席北京理工大学主办的第七届高级计算智能与智能信息技术国际研讨会作报告,报告题目为《Design Automation of Intelligent Robotic Systems Based on Evolutionary Computation》
  3. 2021年5月受邀华南农业大学数学与信息学院作线上报告,报告题目为《Design Automation of Intelligent Robotic Systems Based on Evolutionary Computation》
  4. 2019年10月受邀赴广东工业大学作报告,报告题目为《Design Automation of Intelligent Robotic Systems Based on Evolutionary Computation》
  5. 2019年7月受邀赴安徽大学做报告,报告题目为《基于进化计算的机器人系统设计自动化研究》
  6. 2019年7月赴太原参加“数字山西——智能计算与产业智能化高峰论坛”,并受邀做大会报告,报告题目《基于进化计算的机器人系统设计自动化研究》
  7. 2019年5月赴湘潭参加第六届演化计算与学习研讨会(ECOLE 2019),并受邀做大会报告,报告题目《基于进化计算的机器人系统设计自动化研究 》
  8. 2019年4月27日赴长沙国防科技大学参加“群体智能机理分析与研究学术研讨会”,并受邀作报告,报告题目《从基于遗传编程的机电系统设计自动化到群体智能聚合形态优化设计》
  9. 2019年4月18日赴天津对南开大学人工智能学院进行访问,并受邀作报告,报告题目《基于人工智能和进化计算的机器人系统设计自动化研究》
  10. 2018年12月22日赴武汉参加“2018年智能优化与调度专题研讨会”,并受邀作报告,报告题目《融合约束多目标进化算法和知识提取的复合机器人设计自动化研究》
  11. 2018年11月赴三亚参加“第三届国际人工智能与机器人国际学术会议”,并受邀做报告,报告题目《Design Automation of Intelligent Robotic Systems Based on Evolutionary Computation》
  12. 2018年11月赴长沙国防科技大学参加集群行为和群体智能研讨会,并受邀做报告,报告题目《从基于基因编程的机电系统设计自动化到群体智能聚合与涌现研究》
  13. 2018年9月受邀到自兴人工智能学院讲学,报告题目为《约束多目标优化最新进展及其在机器人系统设计自动化中的应用》
  14. 2018年9月赴西安交通大学做报告,报告题目《约束多目标优化最新进展及其在机器人系统设计自动化中的应用》
  15. 2018年9月访问湘潭大学“物联网与信息安全湖南省重点实验室”,并作学术报告,报告题目《Recent Advances in Constrained Multiobjective Optimization and its Applications to Design Automation of Robotic Systems》
  16. 2018年8月赴深圳大学计算机与软件学院作报告,报告题目《基于进化计算的智能机器人系统设计自动化》
  17. 2018年4月赴长沙国防科技大学做报告,报告题目《基于进化计算的智能机器人系统设计自动化研究与应用》
  18. 2017年12月访问广东工业大学数据挖掘与信息检索实验室,并作学术报告,报告题目《How to publish out of industrial project? Some thoughts and discussions》
  19. 2017年11月赴武汉参加“群体智能优化算法最新研究进展及应用”研讨会,并受邀做大会报告,报告题目《Design Automation of Intelligent Robotic Systems Based on Evolutionary Computation》
  20. 2017年10月赴中国矿业大学信息与控制工程学院做报告,报告题目《基于进化计算的智能机器人系统设计自动化》
  21. 2017年5月赴西安参加第四届演化计算与学习研讨会(ECOLE),并受邀做大会报告,报告题目《基于进化算法的机器人系统设计自动化研究与应用》
  22. 2017年4月赴长沙参加武器装备人工智能应用研讨会,并受邀做大会报告,报告题目《知识自动化体系下机器人系统的集成智能研究》
  23. 2016年12月赴湖北武汉参加ICIICII(International Conference on Industrial Informatics - Computing Technology, Intelligent Technology, Industrial Information Integration)国际会议, 受邀做大会报告, 报告题目《Embedding Intelligence in Robotic Systems》
  24. 2016年11月赴江苏南京参加2016年(第十届)江苏省并联运动装备与机器人技术研讨会, 受邀做大会报告, 报告题目《机器人系统的智能设计与开发》
  25. 2016年11月赴广东佛山参加2016年“数据科学与工业4.0”国际学术论坛, 受邀做大会报告, 报告题目《Embedding Intelligence in Robotic Systems》
  26. 2016年7月赴加拿大温哥华参加IEEE世界计算智能大会(IEEE WCCI),受邀做大会报告, 报告题目《When Evolutionary Computation Meets Data Mining》
  27. 2016年5月赴江苏苏州参加第三届(2016)国际机器人及智能装备大会,受邀做大会报告, 报告题目《农业智能移动机器人设计自动化研究》
  28. 2015年赴广西桂林参加机器人与自动化研讨会, 受邀做大会报告, 报告题目《Embedding Intelligence in Robotic Systems》
  29. 2015年6月, 赴西交利物浦大学做了题为《机电系统的集成智能》专题讲座
  30. 2015年5月, 赴江苏吴江参加RIE 2015国际机器人及智能装备大会, 受邀做大会报告, 报告题目《机器人系统的集成智能研究》
  31. 2015年赴广东东莞参与中国机器人及智能装备峰会, 受邀做大会报告, 报告题目《机器人系统的集成智能研究》
  32. 2015年5月, 主持研讨会, 研讨会主题《When Evolutionary Computation Meets Data Mining》, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC)会议, 日本仙台
  33. 2014年遗传与进化计算国际会议, 大会报告, 报告题目《动力学系统的进化综合》
  34. 2014年首届进化计算与机器学习研讨会, 大会报告, 报告题目《复杂机电系统的集成智能研究》
  35. 2012年第三届软件工程国际会议(WCSE2012), 大会报告, 报告题目《机电系统的集成智能》
  36. 2012年IEEE计算智能国际会议(WCCI2012), 大会报告, 报告题目《基于进化方法的机电系统设计自动化》
  37. 2010年11月, 赴台湾国立中正大学, 受邀做了题为《机电系统的嵌入式智能》专题报告
  38. 2010年11月, 赴密西根州立大学BEACON国家科技工程中心, 受邀做了题为《基于进化算法的机电系统自动设计》专题报告


  1. Zhun Fan, “Mechatronic Design Automation – An Emerging Research and Recent Advances”, Nova Science Publisher 2011, ISBN: 978-1-61668-956-8 Download PDF
  2. Zhao Xu, Zhun Fan (editors), “Evolutionary Computing for Intelligent Power System Optimization and Control”, Nova Science Publisher 2010, ISBN:978-1-61728-031-3
  3. 范衠 (著),朱贵杰,王攀(译). “机电设计自动化新兴研究及其进展”, 北京: 科学出版社, 2018, ISBN: 978-7-03-055452-9


  1. Zhun Fan, Chong Li, Yuming Wu, Xinbao Shi, Guijie Zhu, Sibo Huang. Cracks: A Mobile App Using Deep Learning for Automatic Road Crack Detection.
  2. Zhun Fan, Yuming Wu, Guijie Zhu, Jiewei Lu, Chong Li, Wenji Li, Benzhang Qiu, and Jiajie Mo. Automatic Pavement Crack Detection Based on Structured Prediction with the Convolutional Neural Network.
  3. Zhun Fan , Jiajie Mo, Benzhang Qiu. Accurate Retinal Vessel Segmentation via Octave Convolution Neural Network.
  4. Jiewei Lu, Zhun Fan, Ce Zheng, Jingan Feng, Longtao Huang, Wenji Li, Erik D. Goodman. Automated Strabismus Detection based on Deep neural networks for Telemedicine Applications. Knowledge-based systems.



  1. Zhun Fan, Wenji Li, Zhaojun Wang, Yutong Yuan, Fuzan Sun, Zhi Yang, Jie Ruan, Zhaocheng Li, and Erik Goodman. Embedding Push and Pull Search in the Framework of Differential Evolution for Solving Constrained Single-objective Optimization Problems.
  2. Zhun Fan, Zhongxing Li, Benzhang Qiu, Wenji Li, Jianye Hu. Object Sorting Using a Global Texture-Shape 3D Feature Descriptor.
  3. Zhun Fan, Jiewei Lu, Benzhang Qiu, Tao Jiang, Kang An. Automated Steel Bar Counting and Center Localization with Convolutional Neural Networks.




  1. Jiahong Wei, Guijie Zhu, Zhun Fan, Jinchao Liu, Yibiao Rong, Jiajie Mo, Wenji Li, Xinjian Chen. "Genetic U-Net: Automatically designed deep networks for retinal vessel segmentation using a genetic algorithm". IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 41 (2) (2022): 292-307. https://doi.org/10.1109/TMI.2021.3111679. Download PDF


  1. Zhipei Hu, Jin Zhang, Feiqi Deng*, Zhun Fan, Li Qiu. A discretization approach to sampled-data stabilization of networked systems with successive packet losses.International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2021. Download PDF
  2. Zhenhua Li, Shuo Zhang, Xinye Cai, Qingfu Zhang, Xiaomin Zhu, Zhun Fan, Xiuyi Jia. Noisy Optimization by Evolution Strategies With Online Population Size Learning[J]. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2021. Download PDF  
  3. Bin Xin, Yipeng Wang, Wenchao Xue, Tao Cai,Zhun Fan, Jiaoyang Zhan, Jie Chen. Evolution of Controllers under a Generalized Structure Encoding/Decoding Scheme with Application to Magnetic Levitation System[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2021.Download PDF
  4. J. Wei, G. Zhu, Z. Fan*, J. Liu, Y. Rong, J. Mo, W. Li, X. Chen*. Genetic U-Net: automatically designed deep networks for retinal vessel segmentation using a genetic algorithm[J]. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, DOI: 10.1109/TMI.2021.3111679. (JCR: Q1, IF:10.048) Download PDF , Appendix
  5. 范衠, 朱贵杰, 李文姬, 游煜根, 李晓明, 林培涵, 辛斌*. 进化计算在复杂机电系统设计自动化中的应用综述. 自动化学报. vol.47,no.7, pp.1495−1515, 2021.   Download PDF
  6. M. Wu, X. Zhu, L. Ma, J. Wang, W. Bao, W. Li, Z. Fan. TORCH: Strategy Evolution in Swarm Robots Using Heterogeneous-homogeneous Coevolution Method[J]. Journal of Industrial Information Integration, (JCR: Q1, IF:10.063) Download PDF
  7. Y. Yao, J. Cao, Y. Guo, Z. Fan, A. Zou, B. Xu, K. Li. Autonomous Control Method of Rotor UAVs for Power Inspection With Renewable Energy Based on Swarm Intelligence[J]. Frontiers in Energy Research, vol.17, no.6, PP. 15501477211021525,2021. (JCR: Q3, IF:4.008) Download PDF
  8. Y. Yao, J. Cao, Y. Guo, Z. Fan, B. Li, B. Xu, K. Li. Adaptive coverage control for multi-USV system in complex environment with unknown obstacles[J]. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol.9, 229, pp.229, 2021. (JCR: Q4, IF:1.640) Download PDF
  9. Zheng C, Yao Q, Lu J, Xie X, Lin S, Wang Z,Wang S, Z. Fan*, and Qiao T. Detection of Referable Horizontal Strabismus in Children's Primary Gaze Photographs Using Deep Learning[J]. Translational Vision Science & Technology. Vol.10,no.1,pp.33,2021.(JCR:Q2,IF:2.112)Download PDF




  1. Y. Shi, G. Chen, Y. Wang, L. Zhao, Z. Fan. Dynamic Phase Demodulation Algorithm for Phase-Sensitive OTDR With Direct Detection[J]. IEEE Access 8: 77511-77517 (2020). (JCR: Q2, IF: 3.367)  [Download PDF]
  2. F. Guo, W. Li, J. Tang, B. Zou, Z. Fan. Automated glaucoma screening method based on image segmentation and feature extraction[J]. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing. 58(10): 2567-2586 (2020). (JCR: Q2, IF: 2.602) [Download PDF]
  3. X. Cai, W. Sun, M. Misir, K. Tan, X. Li, T. Xu, Z. Fan. A Bi-Objective Constrained Robust Gate Assignment Problem: Formulation, Instances and Algorithm[J]. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, doi: 10.1109/TCYB.2019.2956974 (JCR: Q1, IF: 11.079) Download PDF
  4. Q. Wang, H. Qiao, W. Li*, Y. You, Z. Fan, and N. Tiwari. "Parametric optimization of an inerter-based vibration absorber for wind-induced vibration mitigation of a tall building," Wind and Structures, vol.31, no.3, pp.241-253, 2020.(JCR: Q4, IF: 1.922) Download PDF
  5. Y. Xie, Alex Nodel Joseph Raj, Z. Hu,S. Huang, Z. Fan, Miroslav Joler. A Twofold Lookup Table Architecture for Efficient Approximation of Activation Functions[J].IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems,vol.28, no.12, pp.2540-2550, 2020. (JCR: Q1, IF: 2.037)  Download PDF
  6. C. Zheng, X. Xie, L. Huang, B. Chen, J. Yang, J. Lu, T. Qiao, Z. Fan, M. Zhang. Detecting glaucoma based on spectral domain optical coherence tomography imaging of peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer: a comparison study between hand-crafted features and deep learning model[J].  Greafes Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, vol.258, no.3, pp.577-585, 2020. (JCR: Q3, IF: 2.396)  Download PDF
  7. Z. Fan, C. Li, Y. Chen, G. Loprencipe*, J. Wei, X. Chen, and P. D.Mascio. Auomatic Crack Detection on Road Pavements Using Encoder-Decoder Architecture[J]. Materials, vol.13, no.13, pp.2960, 2020.(JCR:Q2,IF:3.057)Download PDF
  8. L. Zhao, J.Chen, T. Chen, Y. Shi, Z. Fan, Z. Zhuang. Zero-Voltage and Zero-Current-Switching Dual-Transformer-Based Full-Bridge Converter with Current Doubler Rectifier[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol.35, no.12, pp.12949-12958, 2020. (JCR: Q1, IF: 6.373)  Download PDF
  9. Y. Li, W. Wei, Y. Gao, D. Wang, Z. Fan. PQ-RRT*: An improved path planning algorithm for mobile robots[J]. Expert Systems with Applications, vol.152, pp.113425, 2020.(JCR: Q1 , IF:5.452 )Download PDF
  10. L. Zhao, Z. Luo, Z. Fan, Y. Shi. A Dual Half Bridge Converter with Hybrid Rectifier for DC Power Supply in Railway Systems[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol.35, no.5, pp.4579-4587, 2020. (JCR:Q1, IF: 6.373)  Download PDF
  11. Zou A M, Fan Z. “Distributed fixed‐time attitude coordination control for multiple rigid spacecraft[J]. ”International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, vol.30, no.1, pp.266-281, 2020.(JCR: Q1, IF: 3.503) IF: 3.503)  Download PDF
  12. Z. Fan, C. Li*, Y. Chen, P. D. Mascio, X. Chen, G. Zhu, and G. Loprencipe*. “Ensemble of deep convolutional neural networks for automatic pavement crack detection and measurement,” Coatings, vol.10, no.2, pp.152, 2020. (SCI 工程技术2区,IF=2.33)  Download PDF
  13. Z. Fan∗, Z. Wang, W. Li, Y. Yuan, Y. You, Z. Yang, F. Sun and J. Ruan. “Push and pull search embedded in an M2M framework for solving constrained multi-objective optimization problems,”  Swarm and Evolutionary Computation. vol.54, pp.100651, 2020,.(SCI人工智能一区期刊,IF=6.33)Download PDF  CODE


  1. Z. Fan, Y. You, X. Cai∗, H. Zheng, G. Zhu, W. Li, A. Garg, K. Deb, E. Goodman. "Analysis and Multi-objective Optimization of a Kind of Teaching Manipulator," Swarm and Evolutionary Computation. vol.50, pp.100554, 2019. (SCI计算机科学—人工智能学科1区, IF=6.33)  Download PDF
  2. Z. Fan, W. Li, X. Cai*, H. Li, C. Wei, Q. Zhang, K. Deb, & E. Goodman. “Difficulty Adjustable and Scalable Constrained Multi-objective Test Problem Toolkit,” Evolutionary Computation, vol.28, pp.339-378, 2019. (SCI计算科学理论与方法1区, IF=2.388)  Download PDF  [Pareto fronts of DAS-CMOPs]  CODE1   CODE2
  3. Z. Fan, J. Lu, C. Wei, H. Huang, X. Cai, X. Chen*. “A Hierarchical Image Matting Model for Blood Vessel Segmentation in Fundus Image,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol.28, no.5, pp.2367–2377, 2019. (SCI人工智能1区,IF:6.790)  Download PDF
  4. Z. Fan, W. Li, X. Cai*, H. Huang, Y. Fang, Y. You, J. Mo, C Wei, and E. D. Goodman, “An improved epsilon constraint-handling method in MOEA/D for CMOPs with large infeasible regions,” Soft Computing, vol.23, pp.12491–12510, 2019. (SCI人工智能2区,IF:2.784)  Download PDF
  5. Z. Fan, Y. Fang, W. Li, X. Cai*, C. Wei, and E. Goodman, “MOEA/D with angle-based constrained dominance principle for constrained multi-objective optimization problems,” Applied Soft Computing, vol.74, no.1, pp.621-633, 2019. (SCI人工智能1区,IF:4.873)  Download PDF  [Download CODE]
  6. Z. Fan, W. Li, X. Cai, H. Li, C. Wei, Q. Zhang, K. Deb, and E. Goodman, “Push and pull search for solving constrained multi-objective optimization problems,” Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, vol.44, no.2, pp.665-679, 2019. ( SCI人工智能1区,IF:6.330 )  (


    )  Download PDF  [Download CODE]
  7. Y. Shi, Y. Wang, L. Zhao, Z. Fan. " An Event Recognition Method for Φ-OTDR Sensing System Based on Deep Learning," Sensors, vol.19, no.15, pp.3421, 2019. (SCI工程技术2区,IF=3.031)   Download PDF
  8. Y. Shi, Y. Wang, L. Zhao, Z. Fan. "Discrimination method using higher-order harmonic frequencies for two close perturbations in phase-sensitive optical time domain reflectometry," Optik, vol.193, pp.163045, 2019. (SCI光学3区,IF=1.914)  Download PDF
  9. A. Zou, Z. Fan, "Fixed-Time Attitude Tracking Control for Rigid Spacecraft without Angular Velocity Measurements, " IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol.67, no.8, pp.6795-6805, 2020.  (SCI工程技术1区,IF:7.503)  Download PDF
  10. Y. Rong, D. Xiang, W. Zhu, F. Shi, E. Gao, Z. Fan, and X. Chen*, "Deriving External Forces via Convolutional Neural Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation, " Biomedical Optics Express, vol.10, no.8, pp.3800-3814, 2019.(SCI医学3区,IF=3.910)  Download PDF
  11. X. Cai, M. Hu, D. Gong, Y. Guo, Y. Zhang, Z. Fan, Y. Huang. “A Decomposition-based Coevolutionary Multiobjective Local Search for Combinatorial Multiobjective Optimization,” Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, vol.49, pp.178-193, 2019. (SCI人工智能1区,IF:6.330)  

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  12. L. Yun, W. Li, A. Garg, S. Maddila, L. Gao, Z. Fan, P Buragohain, CT Wang.“Maximization of extraction of Cadmium and Zinc during recycling of spent battery mix: An application of combined genetic programming and simulated annealing approach”,Journal of Cleaner Production, vol.218, pp.130-140, 2019. (SCI工程技术1区,IF:5.651)  Download PDF
  13. D. Chen, S. Singh, L. Gao, A. Garg, Z. Fan, CT Wang. “A coupled and interactive influence of operational parameters for optimizing power output of cleaner energy production systems under uncertain conditions”, International Journal of Energy Research,vol.43, no.3, pp.1294-1302, 2019. (SCI核科学与技术1区,IF:3.009)  Download PDF
  14. T. Yang, Y. Chen, J. Lu, Z. Fan, “Sampling with level set for pigmented skin lesion segmentation,” Signal Image and Video Processing, vol.13, no.4, pp.813-821, 2019.(SCI工程技术2区,IF:1.643) Download PDF
  15. Y. Rong, D. Xiang, W. Zhu, K. Yu, F. Shi, Z. Fan, and X. Chen, “Surrogate-assisted retinal OCT image classification based on convolutional neural networks,” IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol.23, no.1, pp.253-263, 2019. (SCI信息系统1区,IF:3.850)  Download PDF


  1. Z. Fan, Y. Rong, X. Cai, J. Lu, W. Li, H. Lin, and X. Chen, “Optic disk detection in fundus image based on structured learning,” IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 224–234, 2018. (SCI信息系统1区,IF:3.850)Download PDF
  2. Z. Fan, J. Lu, M. Gong, H. Xie, and E. D. Goodman, “Automatic tobacco plant detection in UAV images via deep neural networks,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 876–887, 2018. (SCI电子与电气2区,IF:3.026)Download PDF
  3. F. Guo, Y. Mai, X. Zhao, X. Duan, Z. Fan, B. Zou, B. Xie, “Yanbao: A Mobile App Using the Measurement of Clinical Parameters for Glaucoma Screening.”, IEEE Access, 6:77414-77428 , 2018. (SCI计算科学1区,IF:3.557)Download PDF
  4. X. Zhang, T. Yu, Z. Xu, Z. Fan. “A cyber-physical-social system with parallel learning for distributed energy management of a microgrid”. Energy, 2018, 165: 205-221.(SCI工程热力学1区,IF=4.968)Download PDF
  5. X. Zhang, D. Wang, T. Yu, Z. Xu, Z. Fan. “Ensemble learning for optimal active power control of distributed energy resources and thermostatically controlled loads in an islanded microgrid”. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43(49):22474-22486.(SCI能源与燃料1区,IF=4.229)Download PDF
  6. X. Cai, Z. Mei, Z. Fan, and Q. Zhang, “A constrained decomposition approach with grids for evolutionary multi-objective optimization,” IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, vol. 22, no. 4, pp.564–577, 2018. (SCI人工智能1区,IF:8.508)Download PDF
  7. X. Cai, Z. Mei, and Z. Fan, “A decomposition-based many-objective evolutionary algorithm with two types of adjustments for direction,” IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 48, no. 8, pp. 2335–2348, 2018. (SCI人工智能1区,IF:8.803)Download PDF
  8. X. Cai, H. Sun, and Z. Fan, “A diversity indicator based on reference vectors for many-objective optimization,” Information Sciences, vol. 430, pp. 467–486, 2018. (SCI自动控制系统1区,IF:4.832)Download PDF
  9. H. Huang, S. Ye, Z. Fan, Z. Lin, L. Lv, and Z. Hao, “Evolutionary programming with a simulated-conformist mutation strategy,” Soft Computing, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 659–676, 2018. (SCI人工智能2区,IF:2.784)Download PDF
  10. T. Yang, Y. Chen, and Z. Fan*, “Vegetation segmentation based on variational level set using multi-channel local wavelet texture and color,” Signal, Image and Video Processing, pp. 1–8, 2018. (SCI电子与电气3区,IF:1.643)Download PDF
  11. P. Wang, Q. Lu, Z. Fan*. “Evolutionary design optimization of MEMS: a review of its history and state-of-the-art,” Cluster Computing, 2018: 1-7.(SCI信息系统3区,IF:2.040)Download PDF
  12. 韦才敏, 李忠萍, 范衠.不同博弈框架下多竞争零售商的双渠道供应链定价策略研究. 运筹与管理, 2018,27(6): 63-74.
  13. 韦才敏,李忠萍,范衠,基于广告、技术、奖励的二级供应链效益最大化研究.经济数学,2016, 33(2):68-74.


  1. X. Cai, Z. Yang, Z. Fan*, and Q. Zhang, “Decomposition-based-sorting and angle-based-selection for evolutionary multi-objective and many objective optimization,” IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 47, no. 9, pp. 2824–2837, 2017. (SCI自动控制系统1区,IF:8.803)Download PDF  [Download CODE]
  2. L. Chen, H. Liu, Z. Fan, S. Xie, and E. D. Goodman, “Modeling the tracking area planning problem using an evolutionary multi-objective algorithm,” IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 29–41, 2017. (SCI人工智能1区,IF:6.611)Download PDF
  3. J. Liu, Z. Fan*, S. I. Olsen, K. H. Christensen, and J. K. Kristensen, “Boosting active contours for weld pool visual tracking in automatic arc welding,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 1096–1108, 2017. (SCI自动控制系统1区,IF:5.224)Download PDF
  4. X. Cai, X. Cheng, Z. Fan*, E. Goodman, and L. Wang, “An adaptive memetic framework for multi-objective combinatorial optimization problems: studies on software next release and travelling salesman problems,” Soft Computing, vol. 21, no. 9, pp. 2215–2236, 2017. (SCI人工智能2区,IF:2.784)Download PDF
  5. D. Jiang, C. Peng, Y. Chen, Z. Fan, and A. Garg, “Probability distribution pattern analysis and its application in the acute hypotensive episodes prediction,” Measurement, vol. 104, pp. 180–191, 2017. (SCI电子与电气2区,IF:2.359)Download PDF
  6. V. G. Mahesh, A. N. J. Raj, and Z. Fan, “Invariant moments based convolutional neural networks for image analysis,” International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 936–950, 2017. (SCI人工智能2区,IF:2.000)Download PDF



  1. 韦才敏,李忠萍,范衠,基于广告、技术、奖励的二级供应链效益最大化研究.经济数学,2016, 33(2):68-74.


  1. X. Cai, Y. Li, Z. Fan*, and Q. Zhang, “An external archive guided multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition for combinatorial optimization,” IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 508–523, 2015. (SCI人工智能1区,IF:8.508)Download PDF  [Download CODE]
  2. J. F. Dupuis, Z. Fan*, and E. Goodman, “Evolutionary design of discrete controllers for hybrid mechatronic systems,” International Journal of Systems Science, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 303–316, 2015. SCI人工智能2区,IF:2.285)Download PDF
  3. D. Jiang, L. Li, B. Hu, and Z. Fan, “An approach for prediction of acute hypotensive episodes via the Hilbert-Huang transform and multiple genetic programming classifier,” International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 11, no. 8, p. 354807, 2015. (SCI信息系统2区,IF:1.787)Download PDF
  4. D. Jiang and Z. Fan*, “The algorithm for algorithms: an evolutionary algorithm based on automatic designing of genetic operators,” Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2015, 2015. ((SCI多学科工程3区,IF:1.145)Download PDF


  1. Z. Hu, X. Cai, and Z. Fan, “An improved memetic algorithm using ring neighborhood topology for constrained optimization,” Soft Computing, vol. 18, no.10, pp. 2023–2041, 2014. (SCI人工智能2区,IF:2.784)Download PDF
  2. Q. Li, B. Zhang, L. Cui, Z. Fan, and V. V. Athanasios, “Epidemics on small worlds of tree-based wireless sensor networks,” Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 1095–1120, 2014. (SCI数学与跨学科应用4区,IF:0.556)Download PDF


  1. X. Cai, Z. Hu, and Z. Fan, “A novel memetic algorithm based on invasive weed optimization and differential evolution for constrained optimization,” Soft Computing, vol. 17, no. 10, pp. 1893–1910, 2013. (SCI人工智能2区,IF:2.784)Download PDF


  1. J. F. Dupuis, Z. Fan*, and E. D. Goodman, “Evolutionary design of both topologies and parameters of a hybrid dynamical system,” IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 391–405, 2012. (SCI人工智能1区,IF:8.508)Download PDF
  2. Q. Li, B. Zhang, L. Cui, Z. Fan, and A. V. Vasilakos, “Immunizations on small worlds of tree-based wireless sensor networks,” Chinese Physics B, vol. 21, no. 5, p. 050205, 2012. (SCI物理学科3区,IF:1.603)Download PDF
  3. Q. Li, B. Zhang, Z. Fan, and A. V. Vasilakos, “Dynamics in small worlds of tree topologies of wireless sensor networks,” Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 325–334, 2012. (SCI自动控制系统4区,IF:0.605)Download PDF


  1. P. Wang, L. Xu, S.-M. Zhou, Z. Fan, Y. Li, and S. Feng, “A novel Bayesian learning method for information aggregation in modular neural networks,” Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 1071–1074, 2010. (SCI人工智能1区,IF:3.928)Download PDF
  2. Z. Zhou, B. Chen, H. Wang, and Z. Fan, “Study on the evolutionary optimisation of the topology of network control systems,” Enterprise Information Systems, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 247–264, 2010. (SCI信息系统3区,IF:2.269)Download PDF


  1. Z. Fan, J. Liu, T. Sorensen, and P. Wang, “Improved Differential Evolution Based on Stochastic Ranking for Robust Layout Synthesis of MEMS Components,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 937-948, 2009. (SCI工程1区,IF=7.050)Download PDF
  2. Y. Wang, Z. Cai, Y. Zhou, and Z. Fan, “Constrained optimization based on hybrid evolutionary algorithm and adaptive constraint-handling technique,” Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 395–413, 2009. (SCI综合 2区,IF:2.377)Download PDF
  3. P. Wang, S. Feng, and Z. Fan, “Some issues of the paradigm of multi-learning machine-modular neural networks,” International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 46–46, 2009. (SCI多学科应用2区,IF:1.787)Download PDF


  1. Z. Fan, J. Wang, S. Achiche, E. Goodman, and R. Rosenberg, “Structured synthesis of mems using evolutionary approaches,” Applied Soft Computing, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 579–589, 2008. (SCI人工智能1区,IF:4.873)Download PDF
  2. J. Wang, Z. Fan, J. P. Terpenny, and E. D. Goodman, “Cooperative body–brain coevolutionary synthesis of mechatronic systems,” AI EDAM, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 219–234, 2008. (SCI人工智能3区,IF:0.885)Download PDF
  3. P. Wang, Y. Li, Z. Fan, and S. Feng, “Methodological research for dynamic integration of modular neural networks sub-networks,” Systems Engineering and Electronics, vol. 30, no. 6, pp. 1143–1147, 2008. (SCI自动控制系统4区,IF:0.605)Download PDF
  4. J. Hu, E. Goodman, K. Seo, Z. Fan, and R. Rosenberg, “The hierarchical fair competition (HFC) framework for sustainable evolutionary algorithms,” Evolutionary Computation, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 241–277, 2005. (SCI人工智能2区,IF:3.826)Download PDF
  5. J. Wang, Z. Fan, Janis P. Terpenny, and Erik D. Goodman, “Knowledge interaction with genetic programming in mechatronic systems design using bond graphs,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and Reviews), vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 172–182, 2005. (SCI人工智能2区,IF:7.351)Download PDF
  6. Z. Fan, J. Wang, and E. Goodman, “Exploring open-ended design space of mechatronic systems,” International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 295-302, 2004. (SCI机器人4区,IF:0.987)Download PDF
  7. Z. Fan, K. Seo, J. Hu, E. D. Goodman, and R. C. Rosenberg, “A novel evolutionary engineering design approach for mixed-domain systems,” Engineering Optimization, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 127–147, 2004. (SCI多学科工程2区,IF:1.728)Download PDF
  8. K. Seo, Z. Fan, J. Hu, E. D. Goodman, and R. C. Rosenberg, “Toward a unified and automated design methodology for multi-domain dynamic systems using bond graphs and genetic programming,” Mechatronics, vol. 13, no. 8-9, pp. 851–885, 2003. (SCI自动控制系统1区,IF:2.496)Download PDF
  9. Y. Fu, Y. Zhao, Z. Fan, X. Liao, “Bi-directional associative memory model with delays”, Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, vol. 28, no. 7, pp. 80-82, 2000. (SCI生物化学4区,IF:0.834) Download PDF
  10. B. Wang, Z. Fan, Y. Liang, “A direct design method of fuzzy logic controller using genetic algorithm”, Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 81-90, 1998. (SCI生物化学4区,IF:0.834)


  1. Jiajie Mo, Zhun Fan, Wenji Li, Yi Fang and Yugen You, "Multi-Factorial Evolutionary Algorithm Based on M2M Decomposition", in Simulated Evolution and Learning, edited by Yuhui Shi, Kay Chen Tan, Mengjie Zhang, Ke Tang, Xiaodong Li, Qingfu Zhang, Ying Tan, Martin Middendorf and Yaochu Jin, published by Springer International Publishing, pp 134-144, 2017
  2. Yang, Zhixiang, Xinye Cai, and Zhun Fan. "A Sorting Based Selection for Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization." Bio-Inspired Computing--Theories and Applications. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2015. 538-549.
  3. Zhun Fan, Kristoffer Raun, Lars Hein, and Hans-Eirk Kiil, “Application of Artificial Muscles as Actuators in Engineering Design”, in Advanced Design and Manufacture to Gain a Competitive Edge - New Manufacturing Techniques and their Role in Improving Enterprise Performance, Eds. Xiu-Tian Yan, Chengyu Jiang and Benoit Eynard, Springer London, pp 875-884, 2008
  4. Lars Hein, Zhun Fan, “Constraints and Shortfalls in Engineering Design Practice”, in Advanced Design and Manufacture to Gain a Competitive Edge - New Manufacturing Techniques and their Role in Improving Enterprise Performance, Eds. Xiu-Tian Yan, Chengyu Jiang and Benoit Eynard, Springer London, pp 13-20, 2008
  5. J.Liu, Z. Fan, T. Soerensen, Z. Xu, P. Wang, “Robust Layout Synthesis of MEMS Using Constrained Adaptive Differential Evolution Algorithm”, accepted in Soft Computing: New Research, Nova Scientific Publisher, 2008
  6. J. Hu, Z. Fan, J. Wang, X. Peng, K. Seo, J. Terpenny, R. Rosenberg, and E. Goodman, “GPBG: A Framework for Evolutionary Synthesis of Multi-domain Engineering Systems”, in Design by Evolution, Natural Computing Series, Eds. Kalyanmoy Deb, Springer Berlin Heidelberg pp 319-345, 2008
  7. Zhun Fan, Jiachuan Wang, Min Wen, Sofiane Achiche, Erik Goodman, Roanld Rosenberg, “An Evolutionary Approach for Robust Layout Synthesis of MEMS”, in Evolutionary Computation in Dynamic Environment, edited by S. Yang and Y. Jin, Springer Verlag Heidelberg, pp. 519-542, 2007
  8. Zhun Fan, Mogens Andreasen, Jiachuan Wang, Erik Goodman, Lars Hein, “Towards an Evolvable Engineering Design Framework for Interactive Computer Design Support of Mechatronic Systems”, in Integrated Intelligent Systems for Engineering Design, edited by Xuan F Zha and R. J. Howlett, IOS Press, pp 182-198, 2006
  9. Zhun Fan, Jiachuan Wang, and Erik Goodman, “Exploring Open-Ended Design Space of Mechatronic Systems”, in Cutting Edge Robotics, edited by Vedran Kordic, Aleksandar Lazinica, Munir Merdan, published by p1V pro literatur Verlag Robert Mayer-Scholz, Mammendorf, Germany, pp 707-726, 2005
  10. Zhun Fan, Jiachuan Wang, Kisung Seo, Jianjun Hu, Ronald Rosenberg, Janis Terpenny, and Erik Goodman, “Automating the Hierarchical Synthesis of MEMS Using Evolutionary Approaches”, in Evolvable Machines – Theory & Practice, edited by Nadia Nedjah and Luiza de Mecedo Mourelle, published by Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp129-149, 2004


  1. Yutong Yuan,Xiaomin Zhu,Zhun Fan*,Li Ma,Ji Ouyang,Ji Wang (2021,Nov). Online Planning-based Gene Regulatory Network for Swarm in Constrained Environment.IWACIII 2021.(Accepted) Download PDF
  2. Yuwei Cai, Guijie Zhu, Huaxing Huang, Zhaojun Wang, Zhun Fan*, Wenji Li, Ze Shi, Weibo Ning (2021, Nov). The Behavior Design of Swarm Robots based on a Simplified Gene Regulatory Network in Communication-free Environments. IWACIII 2021. (Accepted) Download PDF
  3. Weibo Ning, Jiaqi Zhu, Guijie Zhu, Hongjiang Chen, Wenning Huang, Jun Hu, Yibiao Rong, Yuwei Cai, Zhun Fan* (2021, Nov). Measurement of Femoral neck and Leg Length in Total Hip Arthroplasty Based on Optical Positioning. IWACIII 2021. (Accepted) Download PDF
  4. J. Guo, T. Cheng, Z. Fan, X. Zhou. LSHADE with S-shape Constraint-handling Technique in Push and Pull Search for Constrained optimization Problems[J]. 2020 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) 2020: 1-8.(Accepted) Download PDF
  5. 范衠,马培立,朱贵杰,谢敏冲,陈添善,谢飞,石泽,包卫东,朱晓敏*. 基于三维基因调控网络的智能机器人群体聚合与控制方法.The 18th China Machine Learning Conference (CCML 2021)(Accepted) Download PDF
  6. Wenning Huang, Guijie Zhu, Zhun Fan*, Wenji Li, Yibiao Rong, and Yuwei Cai, (2021, July). Slimming Convolutional Neural Networks Based on Attention Mechanisms for Pavement Crack Detection. CYBER 2021. (Accepted)
  7. Guijie Zhu, Zhun Fan*, Peili Ma, Wenning Huang, Zhihao Ye, Mingwei Huang, Jiangli Li, Zhicheng Jiang, Zhuwei Zhong, and Weiyuan He, (2021, July). Road Crack Acquisition and Analysis System Based on Mobile Robot and Deep Learning. CYBER 2021. (Accepted)
  8. Peihan Lin, Xiaoming Li, Zhoubin Long, Peili Ma, Wenji Li, Guijie Zhu and Zhun Fan*, (2021 July). Pipeline Leak Detection, Localization and Repair. CYBER 2021. (Accepted)
  9. Zhun Fan*, Zhoubin Long, Wenji Li, Zhaojun Wang, Zhi Yang and Liu Wang, (2021 July). Neural Architecture Search Based on Tabu Search and Evolutionary Algorithm. CYBER 2021. (Accepted)
  10. Zhun Fan, Zhi Yang, Yajuan Tang, Wenji Li, Biao Xu, Zhaojun Wang, Fuzan Sun, Zhoubin Long, and Guijie Zhu. An Improved Epsilon Method with M2M for Solving Imbalanced CMOPs with Simultaneous Convergence-Hard and Diversity-Hard Constraints, Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization: 11th International Conference, EMO 2021, Shenzhen, China, March 28–31, 2021, Proceedings 11. Springer International Publishing, 2021: 248-256.(Accepted) Download PDF
  11. Guijie Zhu, Zhun Fan*, Wenzhao Chen, Yugen You, Sibo Huang, Weixiang Liang, Runzhan Fu, Jiaming Xin, Jingming Chen, Furong Deng, and Youzhao Hou, (2019,July). Design and Implementation of a Manipulator System for Roadway Crack Sealing. CYBER 2019. (Accepted) Download PDF
  12. Hongmin Wang, Mi Zhang, Guijie Zhu, Yugen You, Wenzhao Chen, Qianyu Mai, Hui Huang, Li Jiang, Zhun Fan, (2019,July). A Novel Attitude and Heading Reference System Algorithm with Momentum Correction Factor for Mobile Robotics. CYBER 2019. (Accepted) Download PDF
  13. Yugen You, Zhun Fan*, Wenzhao Chen, Guijie Zhu, Benzhang Qiu, Jiaming Xin, Jingming Chen, Furong Deng, Youzhao Hou, Weixiang Liang and Runzhan Fu, (2019,July). Design and Implementation of Mobile Manipulator System. CYBER 2019. (Accepted) Download PDF
  14. Zhun Fan, Wenzhao Chen, Guijie Zhu, Yugen You, Furong Deng, Youzhao Hou, Weixiang Liang,Runzhan Fu, Jiaming Xin, Jingming Chen and Hongmin Wang*,(2019,July). Collaborative Robot Transport System Based on Edge Computing. CYBER 2019. (Accepted) Download PDF
  15. Sibo Huang, Chong Li, Zhaoquan Cai, Guijie Zhu, Li Yao, and Zhun Fan*, (2019,July). Synchronized 2D SLAM and 3D Mapping Based on Three Wheels Omni-directional Mobile Robot. CYBER 2019. (Accepted) Download PDF
  16. Yutong Yuan, Zhun Fan, Xiaomin Zhu, Meng Wu, Li Ma, Taosheng Fang, Zhaojun Wang, Weidong Bao, Yun Zhou, Huangke Chen, and Wenji Li, (2019, July). TH-GRN Model based Collective Tracking in Confined Environment.ICSI 2019.(Accepted)
  17. Meng Wu, Yun Zhou, Xiaomin Zhu, Li Ma, Yutong Yuan, TaoshengFang, Ji Wang, Weidong Bao, and Zhun Fan, (2019, July). Cooperation-based Gene Regulatory Network for Target Entrapment. ICSI 2019. (Accepted)
  18. Mi Hu,Xinye Cai,Zhun Fan,  (2018 , November). A Dual-Population-Based Local Search for Solving Multiobjective Traveling Salesman Problem. International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications Springer, Singapore.
  19. Z. Fan, Z. Wang, Y. Fang, W. Li, Y. Yuan, X. Bian. "Adaptive Recombination Operator Selection in Push and Pull Search for Solving Constrained Single-Objective Optimization Problems". International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications. BIC-TA 2018: 355-367. Download PDF
  20. Z. FanY. Fang, W. Li, Y. Yuan, Z. Wang, X. Bian, (2018, July). “LSHADE44 with an Improved $\epsilon$ Constraint-Handling Method for Solving Constrained Single-Objective Optimization Problems”. CEC 2018: 1-8 Download PDF
  21. L. Yao, Z. Fan, G. Zhu, W. Li, C. Li, Y. Wang, H. Xie, (2018, March). “A SLAM with simultaneous construction of 2D and 3D maps based on Rao-Blackwellized particle filters”. ICACI 2018: 374-378 Download PDF
  22. X. Lin, Y. Chen*, C. Wei,  Z. Fan“Optimization of the Modified T Vacation Policy for a Discrete-Time Geom[X]/G/1 Queueing System with Startup,Fuzzy Systems & Operations Research and Management”,Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing,2018. Download PDF
  23. Y. Chen, X. Lin, C. Wei*, Z. Fan“An M/G/1 Queue with Second Optional Service and General Randomized Vacation Policy,Fuzzy Systems & Operations Research and Management”,Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing,2018. Download PDF
  24. Y. Rong, K. Yu, D. Xiang, W. Zhu, Z. Fan, and X. Chen, “Explaining convolutional neural networks for area estimation of choroidal neovascularization via genetic programming,” in Computational Pathology and Ophthalmic Medical Image Analysis. Springer, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-00949-6_25, 2018, pp. 210–218.
  25. Z. Fan, C. Li, Y. Wang, L. Zhao, L. Yao, G. Zhu, Z. Li, H. Xie, and Y. Xiao, “3D mapping of multi-floor buildings based on sensor fusion,” in Industrial Informatics-Computing Technology, Intelligent Technology, Industrial Information Integration (ICIICII), 2017 International Conference on. IEEE, 2017, pp. 10–15.Download PDF
  26. Z. Fan, Z. Li, W. Li, Y. You, W. Chen, and C. Li, “A combined texture-shape global 3D feature descriptor for object recognition and grasping,” in 2017 International Conference on Industrial Informatics-Computing Technology, Intelligent Technology, Industrial Information Integration (ICIICII). IEEE, 2017, pp. 47–54.Download PDF
  27. H. Sun, X. Cai, M. Sulaman, and Z. Fan, “An evolutionary many objective optimization algorithm based on coverage and cache strategy,” in Industrial Informatics-Computing Technology, Intelligent Technology, Industrial Information Integration (ICIICII), 2017 International Conference on. IEEE, 2017, pp. 108–111. Download PDF
  28. W. Sun, X. Cai, C. Xia, M. Sulaman, M. Misir, and Z. Fan, “Greedy based pareto local search for bi-objective robust airport gate assignment problem,” in Asia-Pacific Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning. Springer, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-68759-9_56, 2017, pp. 694–705.
  29. J. Mo, Z. Fan, W. Li, Y. Fang, Y. You, and X. Cai, “Multi-factorial evolutionary algorithm based on M2M decomposition,” in Asia-Pacific Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning. Springer, 2017, pp. 134–144. Download PDF
  30. C. Xia, X. Cai, Z. Fan, and M. Sulaman, “Reference line guided pareto local search for bi-objective traveling salesman problem,” in Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) and Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC), 2017 IEEE International Conference on, vol. 1. IEEE, 2017, pp. 50–56. Download PDF
  31. M. Sulaman, X. Cai, M. Mısır, and Z. Fan, “Simulated annealing with a time-slot heuristic for ready-mix concrete delivery,” in Asia-Pacific Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning. Springer, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-68759-9_4, 2017, pp. 39–50.
  32. K. Joseph, A. N. J. Raj, Z. Fan, and C. Vidhyapathi, “A time-efficient video stabilization algorithm based on block matching in a restricted search space,” in Real-time Computing and Robotics (RCAR), 2017 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2017, pp. 651–656. Download PDF
  33. Z. Fan, Y. Fang, W. Li, J. Lu, X. Cai, and C. Wei, “A comparative study of constrained multi-objective evolutionary algorithms on constrained multi-objective optimization problems,” in Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2017 IEEE Congress on. IEEE, 2017, pp. 209–216.Download PDF
  34. G. Wahi, A. N. J. Raj, and Z. Fan, “Swarm bots: System design for echolocation,” in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR), 2017 3rd International Conference on. IEEE, 2017, pp. 229–232. Download PDF
  35. X. W. Lin, Y. Chen, C. M. Wei, and Z. Fan, “Optimization of the modified t vacation policy for a discrete-time Geom X=g=1 queueing system with startup,” in International workshop on Mathematics and Decision Science. Springer, 2016, pp. 414–424. Download PDF
  36.  Y. Chen, X. W. Lin, C. M. Wei, and Z. Fan, “An M/G/1 queue with second optional service and general randomized vacation policy,” in International workshop on Mathematics and Decision Science. Springer, 2016, pp. 297–307. Download PDF
  37. Z. Fan, H. Li, C. Wei, W. Li, H. Huang, X. Cai, and Z. Cai, “An improved epsilon constraint handling method embedded in MOEA/D for constrained multi-objective optimization problems,” in Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on. IEEE, 2016, pp. 1–8.Download PDF
  38. C. Zhu, X. Cai, Z. Fan, and M. Sulaman, “A two-phase many-objective evolutionary algorithm with penalty based adjustment for reference lines,” in Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2016 IEEE Congress on. IEEE, 2016, pp. 2161–2168Download PDF
  39. Z. Fan, K. Hu, F. Li, Y. Rong, W. Li, and H. Lin, “Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms embedded with machine learning-A survey,” in Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2016 IEEE Congress on. IEEE, 2016, pp. 1262–1266. Download PDF
  40. J. Xu, Z. Zheng, Z. Fan, and W. Liu, “Online personalized QoS prediction approach for cloud services,” in Cloud Computing and Intelligence Systems (CCIS), 2016 4th International Conference on. IEEE, 2016, pp. 32–37. Download PDF
  41. Z. Mei, X. Cai, and Z. Fan, “A grid-based decomposition for evolutionary multi-objective optimization,” in Bio-Inspired Computing-Theories and Applications. Springer, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-3614-9_38, 2016, pp. 316–321.
  42. Z. Fan, J. Lu, and Y. Rong, “Automated blood vessel segmentation of fundus images using region features of vessels,” in Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on. IEEE, 2016, pp. 1–6.Download PDF
  43. Y. Xiao, Z. Fan, W. Li, S. Chen, L. Zhao, and H. Xie, “A manipulator design optimization based on constrained multi-objective evolutionary algorithms,” in Industrial Informatics-Computing Technology, Intelligent Technology, Industrial Information Integration (ICIICII), 2016 International Conference on. IEEE, 2016, pp. 199–205.Download PDF
  44. L. Zhao, Z. Fan, W. Li, H. Xie, and Y. Xiao, “3D indoor map building with Monte Carlo localization in 2d map,” in 2016 International Conference on Industrial Informatics-Computing Technology, Intelligent Technology, Industrial Information Integration (ICIICII). IEEE, 2016, pp. 236–240.Download PDF
  45. H. Xie, Z. Fan, W. Li, Y. Rong, Y. Xiao, and L. Zhao, “Tobacco plant recognizing and counting based on SVM,” in Industrial Informatics-Computing Technology, Intelligent Technology, Industrial Information Integration (ICIICII), 2016 International Conference on. IEEE, 2016, pp. 109–113.Download PDF
  46. Z. Fan, W. Li, X. Cai, K. Hu, H. Lin, and H. Li, “Angle-based constrained dominance principle in MOEA/D for constrained multi-objective optimization problems,” in Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2016 IEEE Congress on. IEEE, 2016, pp. 460–467. Download PDF
  47. Z. Fan and J. J. Mo, “Automated blood vessel segmentation based on de-noising auto-encoder and neural network,” in Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC), 2016 International Conference on, vol. 2. IEEE, 2016, pp. 849–856. Download PDF
  48. Z. Fan, Y. Zuo, F. Li, and S. Wang, “Design of a diamond adsorption detection system based on machine learning techniques,” in Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), 2016 12th World Congress on. IEEE, 2016, pp. 3124–3128Download PDF
  49. N. Zhang, X. Cai, and Z. Fan, “A multi-phase adaptively guided multiobjective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition for travelling salesman problem,” in Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2016 IEEE Congress on. IEEE, 2016, pp. 3284–3291Download PDF
  50. S. Ying, S. Ji, D. Cai, G. Bao, and Z. Fan, “A method to implement biomimetic control for a SMA springs array,” in Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 2015 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2015, pp. 2419–2424Download PDF
  51. J. Liu, Z. Fan, S. I. Olsen, K. H. Christensen, and J. K. Kristensen, “A real-time passive vision system for robotic arc welding,” in Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2015 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2015, pp. 389–394. Download PDF
  52. Z. Fan, Y. Zuo, D. Jiang, and X. Cai, “Prediction of acute hypotensive episodes using random forest based on genetic programming,” in Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2015 IEEE Congress on. IEEE, 2015, pp. 688–694. Download PDF
  53. Z. Fan, Y. Rong, X. Cai, F. Li, W. Li, and H. Lin, “Detecting optic disk based on AdaBoost and active geometric shape model,” in Cyber Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems (CYBER), 2015 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2015, pp. 311–316. Download PDF
  54. Z. Yu, F. Li, Y. Rong, Y. Chen, and Z. Fan, “Design of a multichannel biomedical signal acquisition system based on Cortex-M4 processor,” in Cyber Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems (CYBER), 2015 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2015, pp. 1023–1027.Download PDF
  55. Z. Fan, Y. Rong, X. Cai, W. Li, H. Lin, Z. Yu, and J. Lu, “Detecting optic disk based on structured learning,” in Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 2015 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2015, pp. 1127–1132.Download PDF
  56. Z. Fan, K. Hu, H. Yin, W. Li, and H. Lin, “Decomposing a multi-objective optimization problem into a number of reduced-dimension multi-objective subproblems using tomographic scanning,” in Industrial Informatics-Computing Technology, Intelligent Technology, Industrial Information Integration (ICIICII), 2015 International Conference on. IEEE, 2015, pp. 71–75.Download PDF
  57. Z. Fan, W. Li, X. Cai, H. Li, K. Hu, and H. Yin, “An improved ideal point setting in multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition,” in Industrial Informatics-Computing Technology, Intelligent Technology, Industrial Information Integration (ICIICII), 2015 International Conference on. IEEE, 2015, pp. 63–70.Download PDF
  58. Z. Fan, W. Li, X. Cai, H. Li, K. Hu, and H. Yin, “Difficulty controllable and scalable constrained multi-objective test problems,” in Industrial Informatics-Computing Technology, Intelligent Technology, Industrial Information Integration (ICIICII), 2015 International Conference on. IEEE, 2015, pp. 76–83.Download PDF
  59. Z. Fan, H. Huang, W. Li, S. Xie, X. Cai, and E. Goodman, “An opposition-based repair operator for multi-objective evolutionary algorithm in constrained optimization problems,” in Natural Computation (ICNC), 2015 11th International Conference on. IEEE, 2015, pp. 330–336.Download PDF
  60. D. Jiang, L. Li, Z. Fan, and J. Liu, “Detection of acute hypotensive episodes via empirical mode decomposition and genetic programming,” in Identification, Information and Knowledge in the Internet of Things (IIKI), 2014 International Conference on. IEEE, 2014, pp. 225–228. Download PDF
  61. J. Liu, Z. Fan, S. I. Olsen, K. H. Christensen, and J. K. Kristensen, “Towards stabilizing parametric active contours,” in Cyber Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems (CYBER), 2014 IEEE 4th Annual International Conference on. IEEE, 2014, pp. 198–203. Download PDF
  62. X. Cai, X. Cheng, and Z. Fan, “A probabilistic pareto local search based on historical success counting for multi-objective optimization,” in Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 2014 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation. ACM, 2014, pp. 1163–1168.Download PDF
  63. Z. Fan, X. Cai, W. Li, H. Lin, S. Xie, and S. Wang, “Evolutionary synthesis of dynamical systems: the past, current, and future,” in Proceeding of the Companion Publication of the 2014 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation. ACM, 2014, pp. 1169–1174.Download PDF
  64. W. Li, Z. Fan, X. Cai, H. Lin, S. Xie, and S. Wang, “Design optimization of MEMS using constrained multi-objective evolutionary algorithm,” in Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 2014 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation. ACM, 2014, pp. 1175–1180.Download PDF
  65. Z. Yang, X. Cai, and Z. Fan, “Epsilon constrained method for constrained multi-objective optimization problems: Some preliminary results,” in Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 2014 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation. ACM, 2014, pp. 1181–1186.Download PDF
  66. H. Lin, Z. Fan, X. Cai, W. Li, S. Wang, J. Li, and C. Zhang, “Hybridizing infeasibility driven and constrained-domination principle with MOEA/D for constrained multi-objective evolutionary optimization,” in Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence. Springer, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-13987-6_24, 2014, pp. 249–261.
  67. Y. Li, X. Cai, Z. Fan, and Q. Zhang, “An external archive guided multiobjective evolutionary approach based on decomposition for continuous optimization,” in Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2014 IEEE Congress on. IEEE, 2014, pp. 1124–1130.Download PDF
  68. Q. Peng, A. Hosseinpour, P. Gu, and Z. Fan, “Tools for sustainable product design: Review and expectation,” in ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, https://doi.org/10.1115/DETC2013-13350, 2013, pp. V004T05A044–V004T05A044.
  69. D. Jiang, C. Peng, Z. Fan, Y. Chen, and X. Cai, “Modified binary differential evolution for solving wind farm layout optimization problems,” in Computational Intelligence for Engineering Solutions (CIES), 2013 IEEE Symposium on. IEEE, 2013, pp. 23–28. Download PDF
  70. D. Jiang, C. Peng, and Z. Fan, “Evolutionary algorithm based on automatically designing of genetic operators,” in Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS), 2013 9th International Conference on. IEEE, 2013, pp. 66–70. Download PDF
  71. S. Ying, S. Ji, Z. Wang, and Z. Fan, “Output properties of cellular artificial actuator,” in Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 2013 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2013, pp. 2369–2373Download PDF
  72. C. Liu, Z. Fan, K. Seo, X. Tan, and E. Goodman, “Synthesis of Matsuoka-based neuron oscillator models in locomotion control of robots,” in Intelligent Systems (GCIS), 2012 Third Global Congress on. IEEE, 2012, pp. 342–347. Download PDF
  73. C. C. Tutum and Z. Fan, “Automatic synthesis of mems devices using self-adaptive hybrid metaheuristics,” in Proceedings of the 13th annual conference companion on Genetic and evolutionary computation. ACM, 2011, pp. 813–814. Download PDF
  74. M. Lisowski, Z. Fan, and O. Ravn, “Differential evolution to enhance localization of mobile robots,” in Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ), 2011 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2011, pp. 241–247. Download PDF
  75. A. G. Ozkil, Z. Fan, J. Xiao, S. Dawids, J. K. Kristensen, and K. H. Christensen, “Mapping of multi-floor buildings: A barometric approach,” in Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2011 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on. IEEE, 2011, pp. 847–852. Download PDF
  76. J. Liu, Z. Fan, S. I. Olsen, K. H. Christensen, and J. K. Kristensen, “Weld pool visual sensing without external illumination,” in Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2011 IEEE Conference on. IEEE, 2011, pp. 145–150. Download PDF
  77. A. G. Ozkil, Z. Fan, J. Xiao, J. K. Kristensen, S. Dawids, K. H. Christensen, and H. Aanæs, “Practical indoor mobile robot navigation using hybrid maps,” in Mechatronics (ICM), 2011 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2011, pp. 475–480. Download PDF
  78. C. C. Tutum and Z. Fan, “Multi-criteria layout synthesis of MEMS devices using memetic computing,” in Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2011 IEEE Congress on. IEEE, 2011, pp. 902–908. Download PDF
  79. A. G. Ozkil, Z. Fan, J. Xiao, J. K. Kristensen, S. Dawids, K. H. Christensen, and H. Aanæs, “Empirical evaluation of a practical indoor mobile robot navigation method using hybrid maps,” in Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on. IEEE, 2010, pp. 2521–2522Download PDF
  80. J. F. Dupuis and Z. Fan, “Comparing an evolved finite state controller for hybrid system to a lookahead design,” in Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2010 IEEE Congress on. IEEE, 2010, pp. 1–6. Download PDF
  81. J. Zhong, J. Zhang, and Z. Fan, “MP-EDA: A robust estimation of distribution algorithm with multiple probabilistic models for global continuous optimization,” in Asia-Pacific Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning. Springer, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-17298-4_9, 2010, pp. 85–94.
  82. Z. Zhan, J. Zhang, and Z. Fan, “Solving the optimal coverage problem in wireless sensor networks using evolutionary computation algorithms,” in Asia-Pacific Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning. Springer, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-17298-4_17, 2010, pp. 166–176.
  83. Gong, Yue Jiao, J. Zhang, and Z. Fan. "A multi-objective comprehensive learning particle swarm optimization with a binary search-based representation scheme for bed allocation problem in general hospital." in Systems Man and Cybernetics, 2010 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2010, pp. 1083-1088. Download PDF
  84. Q. Li, L. Cui, B. Zhang, and Z. Fan, “Small worlds in the tree topologies of wireless sensor networks,” in Control Conference (CCC), 2010 29th Chinese. IEEE, 2010, pp. 4677–4683Download PDF
  85. Q. Li, L. Cui, B. Zhang, and Z. Fan, “A low energy intelligent clustering protocol for wireless sensor networks,” in Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2010 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2010, pp. 1675–1682. Download PDF
  86. H. Zhu, P. Wang, and Z. Fan, “Evolutionary design optimization of mems: a brief review,” in Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2010 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2010, pp. 1683–1687. Download PDF
  87. Y. Li, Q. Wang, Z. Fan, H. Chen, and Y. Sun, “Aperture detection and alignment control based on structured light vision,” in Control Conference (CCC), 2010 29th Chinese. IEEE, 2010, pp. 3773–3778Download PDF
  88. A. G. Özkil, Z. Fan, J. K. Kristensen, S. Dawids, K. H. Christensen, and H. Aanæs, “GPU-Boosted camera-only indoor localization,” in DTU Visiondays Conference 2010, 2010. Download PDF
  89. J. Liu, Z. Fan, S. Olsen, K. Christensen, and J. Kristensen, “Using active contour models for feature extraction in camera-based seam tracking of arc welding,” in Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2009. IROS 2009. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on. IEEE, 2009, pp. 5948–5955Download PDF
  90. J. Liu, Z. Fan, and E. Goodman, “SRDE: an improved differential evolution based on stochastic ranking,” in Proceedings of the first ACM/SIGEVO Summit on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation. ACM, 2009, pp. 345–352. Download PDF
  91. A. G. Ozkil, Z. Fan, S. Dawids, H. Aanes , J. K. Kristensen, and K. H. Christensen, “Service robots for hospitals: A case study of transportation tasks in a hospital,” in Automation and Logistics, 2009. Download PDF
  92. A. G. O¨ zkil, Z. Fan, S. Dawids, J. K. Kristensen, K. H. Christensen, and H. Aanæs, “Mobile robot navigation using visual tags: A review,” in Mobile Robot Navigation Using Visual Tags: A Review: Robotics and Applications, 2009.
  93. J.-F. Dupuis and Z. Fan, “Evolved finite state controller for hybrid system in reduced search space,” in Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, 2009. AIM 2009. IEEE/ASME International Conference on. IEEE, 2009, pp. 833–838. Download PDF
  94. J. Liu, Z. Fan, and E. Goodman, “SRDE: an adaptive differential evolution based on stochastic ranking,” in Proceedings of the 11th Annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation. ACM, 2009, pp. 1871–1872. Download PDF
  95. Z. Xu, Z. Y. Dong, K. P. Wong, and Z. Fan, “Multi-objective transmission planning,” in 2009 Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, March 2009, pp. 1–4. Download PDF
  96. J.-F. Dupuis, Z. Fan, and E. Goodman, “Automated design of hybrid dynamic systems,” in World Summit on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation. Association for Computing Machinery, 2009, pp. 105–112.
  97. Z. Fan, J. Liu, T. Sørensen, B. Eynard, T. Nadege, P. Christine, L.Federic, “Automated generation of robust design concepts of MEMS components using improved differential evolution”, accepted by IDMME–Virtual Concept 2008.
  98. S. Achiche, A. Wozniak, Z. Fan, M. Balazinski, L. Baron, and T. Sorensen, “3D CMM strain-gauge triggering probe error characteristics modeling using fuzzy logic,” in Fuzzy Information Processing Society, 2008. NAFIPS 2008. Annual Meeting of the North American. IEEE, 2008, pp. 1–4. Download PDF
  99. K. Christensen, J. Liu, T. Sørensen, Z. Fan, J. Kristensen, “Vision based sensor systems for seam tracking and control in arc and hybrid laser-arc welding”, International Conference on Computer Technology in Welding and Manufacturing, Cranfield, UK 2008.
  100. S. Achiche, Z. Fan, and F. Bolognini, “Review of automated design and optimization of MEMS,” in Industrial Electronics, 2007. ISIE 2007. IEEE International Symposium on. IEEE, 2007, pp. 2150–2155Download PDF
  101. Z. Fan and S. Achiche, “Robust layout synthesis of a mem crab-leg resonator using a constrained genetic algorithm,” in ASME 2007 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2007, pp. 329–337. Download PDF
  102. S. Achiche, W. Wang, Z. Fan, A. Ozkil, T. Sorensen, J. Wang, and E. Goodman, “Genetically generated double-level fuzzy controller with a fuzzy adjustment strategy,” in Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation. ACM, 2007, pp. 1880–1887. Download PDF
  103. A. G. Ozkil, S. Dawids, Z. Fan, and T. Sorensen, “Design of a robotic automation system for transportation of goods in hospitals,” in Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation, 2007. CIRA 2007. International Symposium on. IEEE, 2007, pp. 392–397. Download PDF
  104. R. Huang, S. Tong, W. Sheng, and Z. Fan, “A problem solving environment for combinatorial optimization based on parallel metaheuristics,” in Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation, 2007. CIRA 2007. International Symposium on. IEEE, 2007, pp. 432–437. Download PDF
  105. Z. Fan, J. Wang, M. Wen, E. Goodman, and R. Rosenberg, “An evolutionary approach for robust layout synthesis of MEMS,” in Evolutionary Computation in Dynamic and Uncertain Environments. Springer, 2007, pp. 519–542. Download PDF
  106. Z. Fan, M. Detlef, M. M. Andreasen, L. Hein et al., “Teaching system integration of mechatronic systems,” in DS 36: Proceedings DESIGN 2006, the 9th International Design Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2006, pp. 1133–1142. Download PDF
  107. F. Conrad, Z. Fan, and T. Sørensen, “Simulation and embedded smart control,” in FPNI 2nd International Conference on Computational Methods in Fluid Power TechnologyFluid Power Net International and Aalborg University, 2006.
  108. D. Gonzalez, Z. Fan, T. Sørensen, and I. Fernández, “Embedded face recognition for mechatronic devices,” in 7th International Workshop on RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN MECHATRONICS2006.
  109. F. Ines, Z. Fan, T. Sørensen, and D. Gonzalez, “On the implementation of new technologies for embedded hybrid control,” in 7th International Workshop on RESEARCH AND EDUCATION IN MECHATRONICS, 2006.
  110. P. Wang, Z. Fan, Y. Li, “Dynamic Integration of Modular Neural Network’s Sub-networks,” in International Conference on Sensing, Computing and Automation, ICSCA 2006, Chongqing, China.
  111. S. Zhun, P. Boelskifte, and Z. Fan, “A fuzzy Approach for feature-based product style recognition,” in Proceedings 5th International Conference on E-engineering and Digital Enterprise Technology, 2006.
  112. Y. Shen, U. C. Wejinya, N. Xi, C. A. Pomeroy, Y. Xue, and Z. Fan, “Characterization of living drosophila embryos using micro robotic manipulation system,” in Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on. IEEE, 2006, pp. 568–573. Download PDF
  113. Z. Fan, M. M. Andreasen, J. Wang, and E. D. Goodman, “Towards an evolvable chromosome model for interactive computer design support,” in DS 35: Proceedings ICED 05, the 15th International Conference on Engineering Design, Melbourne, Australia, 15-18.08. 2005, 2005. Download PDF
  114. T. Sørensen, Z. Fan, and F. Conrad, “Two mechatronic projects-an agricultural robot and a flight simulator platform,” in 6th International Workshop on Research and Education in Mechatronics (rem), 2005, pp. 391–396.
  115. Z. Fan, T. Sørensen, F. Conrad, M. M. Andreasen, G. K. Christensen, and L. Hein, “Mechatronics education: Conceptual prototype vs. physical realization,” in 6th International Workshop on Research and Education in Mechatronics (REM) June 30th-July 1st 2005, Annecy-FRANCE under the auspices of IEEE, 2005, pp. 397–402.
  116. Z. Fan, L. Hein, M. M. Andreasen, and B.  Eynard, “Design oriented training of mechatronic engineers,” in Annual Conference of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, 2005.
  117. L. Hein and Z. Fan, “Design and innovation: A new framework for teaching mechatronics,” in CEEE 2005: -key note paper, 2005.
  118. P. Wang, Z. Fan, Y. Li, and S. Feng, “Sequential Bayesian learning for modular neural networks,” in International Symposium on Neural Networks. Springer, 2005, pp. 652–659.Download PDF
  119. Z. Fan, E. D. Goodman, J. Wang, R. Rosenberg, K. Seo, and J. Hu, “Hierarchical evolutionary synthesis of MEMS,” in Evolutionary Computation, 2004. CEC2004. Congress on, vol. 2. IEEE, 2004, pp. 2320–2327.Download PDF
  120. P. Wang, C. Xu, and Z. Fan, “Evolutionary linear control strategies of triple inverted pendulums and simulation studies,” in Intelligent Control and Automation, 2004. WCICA 2004. Fifth World Congress on, vol. 3. IEEE, 2004, pp. 2365–2368.Download PDF
  121. K. Seo, J. Hu, Z. Fan, E. D. Goodman, and R. C. Rosenberg, “Hierarchical breeding control for efficient topology/parameter evolution,” in Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. Springer, 2004, pp. 722–723. Download PDF
  122. Z. Fan, K. Seo, R. C. Rosenberg, J. Hu, and E. D. Goodman, “Computational synthesis of multi-domain systems,” in Proceedings of AAAI Spring Symposium on Computational Synthesis, Stanford, 2003, pp. 59–66.Download PDF
  123. Z. Fan, K. Seo, J. Hu, R. C. Rosenberg, and E. D. Goodman, “System level synthesis of mems via genetic programming and bond graphs,” in Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. Springer, 2003, pp. 2058–2071. Download PDF
  124. E. D. Goodman, K. Seo, R. Rosenberg, Z. Fan, and J. Hu, “Automated design of mechatronic systems: Novel search methods and modular primitives to enable real-world applications,”  Service and Manufacturing Grantees and Research Conference Proceedings, Edited by R.G. Reddy, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487, USA, 2003, pp 120-138. Download PDF
  125. J. Hu, E. D. Goodman, K. Seo, Z. Fan, and R. C. Rosenberg, “HFC: a continuing ea framework for scalable evolutionary synthesis,” in Proceedings of the 2003 AAAI Spring Symposium-Computational Synthesis: From Basic Building Blocks to High Level Functionality, 2003, pp. 24–26. Download PDF
  126. K. Seo, Z. Fan, J. Hu, E. D. Goodman, and R. C. Rosenberg, “Dense and switched modular primitives for bond graph model design,” in Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. Springer, 2003, pp. 1764–1775. Download PDF
  127. P. Wang, Z. Fan, and C. Xu, “Correlation analysis and evolutionary control of multi-staged inverted pendulum,” in Intelligent Control. 2003 IEEE International Symposium on. IEEE, 2003, pp. 920–923.Download PDF
  128. J. Hu, K. Seo, Z. Fan, R. C. Rosenberg, and E. D. Goodman, “Hemo: A sustainable multi-objective evolutionary optimization framework,” in Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. Springer, 2003, pp. 1029–1040.Download PDF
  129. Z. Fan, J. Hu, K. Seo, E. D. Goodman, and R. C.  Rosenberg, “Exploring multiple design topologies using genetic programming and bond graphs,” in Proceedings of the 4th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., 2002, pp. 1073–1080.Download PDF
  130. J. Hu, K. Seo, S. Li, Z. Fan, R. C. Rosenber, and E. D. Goodman, “Structure fitness sharing (SFS) for evolutionary design by genetic programming,” in Proceedings of the 4th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., 2002, pp. 780–787.Download PDF
  131. Z. Fan, J. Hu, K. Seo, E. Goodman, R. Rosenberg, and B. Zhang, “Bond graph representation and GP for automated analog filter design,” in 2001 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Late Breaking Papers, 2001, pp. 81–86. Download PDF




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  1. Zhun Fan, “Design Automation of Mechatronic Systems using Evolutionary Computation and Bond Graphs”, 2004, PhD Dissertation, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Michigan State University, USA
  2. Zhun Fan, “Computational Intelligence and its Applications in Control Systems”, 2000, Master Thesis, Department of Control Engineering and Science, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China


  1. 中国自动化学会模式识别与机器智能专委会委员since 2020
  2. 中国图象图形学学会(CSIG)文档图像分析与识别专委会会员since 2018
  3. 广东省图象图形学会“计算机视觉”专委会委员since 2018
  4. 中国图象图形学学会文档图像分析与识别专委会委员 since 2018
  5. 广东省科协智能制造学会联合体第一届专家委员会委员since 2018
  6. 中国仿真学会智能仿真优化与调度专委会委员since 2018
  7. 中国人工智能学会智能机器人专委会执行委员since 2016
  8. 中国自动化学会大数据专委会委员Committee member of Big Data Committee of Chinese Society of Automation since 2016
  9. 广东省图像图形学会理事Director of Guangdong Image and Graphics Society since 2013
  10. IEEE 高级会员Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) since 2010
  11. IEEE 工业电子协会微机电系统技术委员会创始会员Foundation Member of the Technical Committee on MEMS of IES (Industrial Electronics Society) of IEEE since 2008
  12. IEEE 工业电子协会工业信息学技术委员会会员Member of the Technical Committee on Industrial Informatics of IES (Industrial Electronics Society) of IEEE since 2010
  13. IEEE 计算智能协会智能系统应用技术委员会会员Member of the Technical Committee on Intelligent Systems Applications of the CIS (Computational Intelligence Society) of IEEE since 2010
  14. IEEE 协会企业信息系统技术委员会会员Member of the Technical Committee on Enterprise Information Systems of the SMC (System, Man, and Cybernetics) of IEEE since 2010
  15. ASME会员Member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) since 2004
  16. ACM会员及ACM进化计算专业委员会成员Member of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) since 2008, member of the SIGEVO of ACM since 2007
  17. 丹麦应用数学和机械学中心成员Member of the Danish Centre for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (DCAMM) since 2006
  18. 武汉理工大学系统科学和工程研究中心创始成员Foundation Member of the Research Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Wuhan University of Technology, China, since 2009


连续六年在CEC2014-2019国际会议上主持了6次专题研讨会《When Evolutionary Computation Meets Data Mining》。


  1. International Conference on Robotics and Automation
  2. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
  3. Advances in Mechanical Engineering
  4. Natural Computing
  5. Information Sciences
  6. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation
  7. IEEE Access
  8. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
  9. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
  10. Journal of the Operational Research Society
  11. Mechatronics, an International Journal
  12. Soft Computing
  13. Computational Intelligence
  14. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines
  15. Computers in Industry
  16. Computer Aided Design
  17. Computers & Operations Research
  18. Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical
  19. Enterprise Information Systems
  20. International Journal of System Science
  21. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control
  22. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation
  23. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks
  24. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
  25. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
  26. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
  27. IEEE Transactions on System, Man, Cybernetics-part B
  28. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems
  29. IEEE Transactions on System, Man, Cybernetics-part C
  30. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
  31. 自动化学报
  32. 机器人


  1. Guest editorial for SI:Socially Interactive Robotics: From Theory to Applications in 2015
  2. Guest editorial for Robotics and Biomimetics thematic series on ‘Real-time Computing and Robotics in 2015
  3. Guest editorial for special section of Microelectromechanical Systems in Industrial Environments for IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics in 2011


  1. International Program Committee Member,IROS-2021:The IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems.
  2. International Program Committee Member,ICRA-2021: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation.
  3. IJCAI 2021 program committee. The 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-21)
  4. A member of the Programme Committee of the Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization (EMO) Track of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2021)
  5. International Program Committee Member, The Tenth International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ICSI 2019).
  6. International Advisory Committee Member, EMO-2019: Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization.
  7. Technical Program Committee Member, The 5th International Conferences on Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision, and Game Technology 2018.
  8. Technical Program Committee Member, The 6th International Conference on Advances Technology in Telecommunication, Broadcasting, and Satellite 2018.
  9. Program Chair, International Conference on Industrial Informatics --Computing Technology, Intelligent Technology, Industrial Information Integration (ICIICII 2017)
  10. Program Chair, International Conference on Industrial Informatics --Computing Technology, Intelligent Technology, Industrial Information Integration (ICIICII 2016)
  11. Program Chair, International Conference on Industrial Informatics --Computing Technology, Intelligent Technology, Industrial Information Integration (ICIICII 2015)
  12. Advisory Board of International Conference on Emerging Trends, Technology and Research, ICETTR-2013
  13. Program Chair, 2012 Second Global Congress on Intelligent Systems (GCIS 2012)
  14. Program Chair, 2015 Second Global Congress on Intelligent Systems (GCIS 2012)
  15. Special Session Organizer, Evolutionary Computation in Network Optimization, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2011)
  16. Program Committee, 2011 International Conference on Data Engineering and Internet Technology (DEIT 2011)
  17. Program Co-Chair, Life Sciences and Health Care, IEEE 7th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2011)
  18. Program Co-Chair for the 2011 7th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC 2011)
  19. Special Session Organizer, Intelligent Methods in Mechatronic & Robotic Systems for Performance Improvement, IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT’10)
  20. Program Chair, 2010 Second Global Congress on Intelligent Systems (GCIS’10)
  21. Global Congress on Intelligent Systems (GCIS’09)
  22. World Summit on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GEC’09)
  23. Session Chair, 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’09)
  24. Session Chair, International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’09)
  25. IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS’07’08)
  26. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO’06’07’08’09’10)
  27. ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE’06’07)
  28. Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED’08)
  29. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’08)
  30. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE’07)



2005 年 4 月至 2006年8月间, 参加了学校的培训项目Education in University Teaching at DTU (UDtU*)并获得资格证书。该项目主要培训教师在教学实践中应用PBL (Problem Based Learning) 基于问题的学习方法和先进的CDIO (Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate)教学理念。在教学实践中,所有的教师都要求自觉使用培训中学到的方法和理念,而获得资格证书是晋升终身副教授的必要条件。


  1. 2004-2008秋季学期,41030 Design of Mechatronic Systems 机电系统设计,DTU (Technical University of Denmark)
  2. 2004-2008秋季学期,41660 Applied Mechatronics 应用机电系统,DTU
  3. 2005-2010春季学期,41670 Motion Control 运动控制,DTU
  4. 2009-2010春季学期,42062 Design of Electronic Systems 电子系统设计,DTU
  5. 2009-2010秋季学期,42625 Robotics 机器人,DTU
  6. 2012-2013春季学期,自动控制原理,STU(Shantou University)
  7. 2013-2016春季学期,数字图像处理,STU
  8. 2014-2015秋季学期,自动控制原理,STU
  9. 2015-2016春季学期,自动控制原理,STU
  10. 2015-2019秋季学期,人工智能与机器人,STU
  11. 2016-2018春季学期,数字图像处理,STU
  12. 2017-2018春季学期,数字图像处理,STU
  13. 2017-2018春季学期,人工智能与机器人,STU


博士后指导Postdoctoral advisees
  1. Sofiane Achiche, 2006-2007, postdoctoral researcher, supervisor

    Ttle: Design Automation and Optimization for MEMS

  2. Yuan Li, 2010 - 2011, postdoctoral researcher, supervisor   

    Title: Decoupled visual control for robots based on structured light and weld seam tracking

  3. Tiejun Yang, 2015, postdoctoral researcher, supervisor

    Title: Medical Image Processing Using Machine Learning Techniques

  4. Hongmin Wang, 2017, postdoctoral researcher, supervisor

    Title: Design Optimization and Control of Mobile Manipulator

博士生指导PhD student advisees

  1. Jean-Francois Dupuis, 2007 – 2010, PhD student, supervisor (工作单位:美国X登月工厂任机器人工程师)

    Title: Automated Design of Advanced Mechatronic Systems, thesis defended and PhD certificate granted

  2. Jinchao Liu, 2008 – 2011, PhD student, supervisor (工作单位:南开大学任副教授)

    Title: Direct Vision Based Molten Pool Feature Extraction in Automated Arc Welding, thesis defended and PhD certificate granted

  3. Ali Ozkil, 2008 – 2011, PhD student, supervisor (工作单位:丹麦科技大学任副教授)

    Title: New AI and its Application in Hospital Service Robotics, thesis defended and PhD certificate granted

  4. Huibiao Lin, 2013, PhD student,supervisor
  5. Wenji Li, 2014, PhD student, supervisor
  6. Guijie Zhu, 2016, PhD student, supervisor
  7. Sibo Huang, 2017, PhD student, supervisor
  8. Chong Li, 2018, PhD student, supervisor
  9. Zehao Zheng, 2019, PhD student, supervisor
  10. Zhaojun Wang, 2020, PhD student, supervisor

硕士生指导Master student advisees


  1. Mattia Perissinotto, 2005 – 2006, master thesis student, advisor

    Title: Design and Verification of a Motor Controller using FPGA Techniques

  2. Diego González, 2005 – 2006, master thesis student, advisor

    Title: Embedded System for Face Recognition Using FPGA Techniques

  3. Ines Fernández, 2005 – 2006, master thesis student, co-advisor

    Title: Optimization of a Fuzzy Logic Controller Using Genetic Algorithms

  4. Jeremy Chapute, 2005 – 2006, master thesis student, co-advisor

    Title: Case study of a MEMS switch supported by a FBS and DFM framework

  5. Ali Ozkil, 2006 – 2007, research Assistant, advisor

    Title: SLAM of indoor mobile robots

  6. Kristoffer Raun, 2007, master thesis student, advisor

    Title: Application of Artificial Muscles as Actuators, June 2007

  7. Michael Lisowski, 2009, Master student, advisor

    Title: Differential Evolution Approach to the Localization Problem for Mobile Robots, September 2009

  8. Morten Lindahl, 2009 - 2010, Master student, co-advisor (with Sofiane Achiche)

    Title: Dynamic Gait Balancing of Walking Biped Robots, Sept 2010

  9. Haoshen Zhu, 2009, Research Assistant, co-advisor (with Pan Wang)

    Title: Evolutionary Synthesis of MEMS Devices

  10. Shen Zhao, 2009 - 2010, Master student, co-advisor (with Ben Mathews)

    Title: Design Requirements for Hospital Logistic Robot, June 2010

  11. 朱贵杰,2011-2014,题目:基于键合图方法的风力发电系统建模研究,2014.5答辩,论文点击下载:Download PDF (升学:汕头大学)
  12. 谢淑香,2012-2015,题目:约束多目标进化算法研究及其应用,2015.5答辩,论文点击下载:Download PDF(工作单位:汕头大学)
  13. 王晟,2012-2015,题目:基于多目标进化算法的工业机器人减速器设计,2015.5答辩,论文点击下载:Download PDF(工作单位:徐工集团)
  14. 容毅标,2013-2016,题目:眼底图像中的视盘检测与血管分割,2016.5答辩,论文点击下载:Download PDF(升学:苏州大学)
  15. 左右祥,2013-2016,题目:基于基因表达式编程的随机森林及其在急性低血压预测中的应用,2016.5答辩,论文点击下载:Download PDF(国家奖学金获得者) (工作单位:中导光电设备股份有限公司
  16. 李芳,2013-2016,题目:基于机器学习技术的图像处理应用研究,2016.5答辩,论文点击下载:Download PDF(工作单位:海链科技
  17. 赵雷,2014-2017,题目:基于二维地图蒙特卡罗定位的三维室内地图构建,2017.5答辩,论文点击下载: Download PDF (国家奖学金获得者) (工作单位:深圳市银星智能科技股份有限公司
  18. 肖杨,2014-2017,题目:基于约束多目标进化算法研究及其在机械臂设计优化中的应用,2017.5答辩,论文点击下载:Download PDF(国家奖学金获得者) (工作单位:深圳飞科机器人有限公司
  19. 谢红辉,2014-2017,题目:基于无人机航拍图像的烟草植株识别与计数,2017.5答辩,论文点击下载:Download PDF(工作单位:深圳市大疆创新科技有限公司
  20. 李冲,2015-2018,题目:基于传感器融合的多楼层三维地图构建,2018.6答辩,PPT点击下载:《基于传感器融合的多楼层三维地图构建》,论文点击下载:Download PDF(国家奖学金获得者) (升学:汕头大学)
  21. 姚利,2015-2018,题目:基于 Rao-Blackwellized 粒子滤波器的同时构建二维和三维地图的SLAM方法,2018.6答辩,答辩PPT点击下载:《基于 Rao-Blackwellized 粒子滤波器的同时构建二维和三维地图的SLAM方法》 ,论文点击下载:Download PDF(工作单位:上海欧菲光科技有限公司
  22. 李中兴,2015-2018,题目:基于3D全局特征视觉抓取与分类系统设计和实现,2018.6答辩,答辩PPT点击下载:《基于3D全局特征视觉抓取与分类系统设计与实现》 ,论文点击下载:Download PDF(国家奖学金获得者) (工作单位:华为技术有限公司
  23. 王继彪,2015-2018,题目:基于PCA和SVM的移动终端人脸识别系统,2018.6答辩,答辩PPT点击下载:《基于PCA和SVM的移动平台人脸识别系统》 ,论文点击下载:Download PDF(工作单位:宇视科技有限公司
  24. 王宇鹏,2015-2018,题目:基于点线特征的视觉定位系统研究,2018.6答辩,答辩PPT点击下载:《基于点线特征的视觉定位系统研究》,论文点击下载:Download PDF(工作单位:镭神智能
  25. 陈燊,2015-2018,题目:多目标进化算法在机械臂避障路径规划中的研究及应用,2018.6答辩,PPT点击下载:《多目标进化算法在机械臂避障路径规划中的研究及应用》 ,论文点击下载:Download PDF(工作单位:铁树资本管理(汕头)(金融量化)
  26. 方毅,2015-2018,题目:约束进化算法的研究及应用,2018.6答辩,答辩PPT点击下载:《约束进化算法的研究及应用》 ,论文点击下载:Download PDF(工作单位:华为技术有限公司
  27. 卢杰威,2016-2019,题目:,2019.5答辩,答辩PPT点击下载:论文点击下载:(国家奖学金获得者)(升学:南开大学)
  28. 游煜根,2016-2019,题目:基于约束多目标进化算法的机器人设计自动化,2019.5答辩,PPT点击下载:论文点击下载:Download PDF(升学:南开大学)
  29. 莫嘉杰,2016-2019,题目:基于分频卷积神经网络的视网膜血管分割,2019.5答辩,PPT点击下载:论文点击下载:Download PDF(工作单位:汕头市机器人与智能制造研究院)
  30. 伍宇明,2016-2019,题目:, 基于深度学习的裂缝图像分割及其在手机端上的应用,2019.5答辩,论文点击下载: Download PDF(工作单位:广州极飞科技有限公司)
  31. 安康,2017-2020,题目:基于深度学习的电厂仪表识别2020.6答辩,答辩PPT点击下载:Download PDF,  论文点击下载:Download PDF (工作单位:中国电子科技集团公司第十一研究所)
  32. 陈文钊,2017-2020,题目:电厂带压堵漏机器人的设计与实现2020.6答辩,答辩PPT点击下载:Download PDF,  论文点击下载: Download PDF  (国家奖学金获得者(工作单位:深圳优艾智合机器人科技有限公司)
  33. 冯靖安,2017-2020,题目:基于深度学习的中华白海豚照片个体识别2020.6答辩,答辩PPT点击下载:Download PDF,  论文点击下载: Download PDF (工作单位:中信银行深圳分行)
  34. 黄龙涛,2017-2020,题目:基于深度学习的轻量化斜眼检测系统RF-CNN Lite2020.6答辩,答辩PPT点击下载:Download PDF,  论文点击下载: Download PDF 工(工作单位:深圳市燕麦科技股份有限公司)
  35. 姜涛,2017-2020,题目:基于深度学习的钢筋端面中心点检测及计数2020.6答辩,答辩PPT点击下载:Download PDF,论文点击下载: Download PDF  (工作单位:广东省农村信用社联合社)
  36. 邱本章,2017-2020,题目:基于注意力机制的室内RGBD图像语义分割2020.6答辩,答辩PPT点击下载:Download PDF ,论文点击下载: Download PDF (工作单位:小米集团)
  37. 王诏君,2017-2020,题目:多目标进化算法及其在约束优化中的研究2020.6答辩,答辩PPT点击下载:Download PDF,  论文点击下载: Download PDF(升学:汕头大学)
  38. 袁宇彤,2017-2020,题目:群体形态的生成与转换2020.6答辩,答辩PPT点击下载:Download PDF,  论文点击下载: Download PDF(工作单位:汕头市机器人与智能制造研究院)
  39. 胡星晨,2018-2021,题目:基于深度学习的轻量化小目标检测算法研究,2021.5答辩,答辩PPT点击下载:Download PDF,论文点击下载:Download PDF (工作单位:深圳市时代能创能源科技有限公司)
  40. 孙福赞,2018-2021,题目:一种基于共识主动性的群机器人目标搜索与围捕框架研究,2021.6答辩,答辩PPT点击下载:Download PDF,论文点击下载:Download PDF(工作单位:杭州市公安局机关处室)
  41. 熊宇,2018-2021,题目:基于自校准卷积的视网膜血管分割,2021.5答辩,答辩PPT下载:Download PDF,论文点击下载:Download PDF(工作单位:东莞银行股份有限公司)
  42. 罗晨林,2018-2020,题目:电厂集控室触屏操作机器人的设计与实现,2020.5答辩,答辩PPT点击下载:Download PDF,论文点击下载:Download PDF(工作单位:中国工商银行集约运营中心)
  43. 杨知,2018-2021,题目:面向不平衡优化问题的进化算法研究及其在减速器设计中应用,2021.5答辩,答辩PPT点击下载:Download PDF,  论文点击下载:Download PDF(工作单位:怀化市机关事务管理局)

本科生指导Undergraduate student advisees

  1. Jacob Remin, 2007, bachelor thesis student, advisor

    Title: Design and Experimental Prototyping of CNC Machine, June 2008

  2. Mikkel Johansen, 2010, bachelor thesis student, advisor

    Title: Motor Actuated Exoskeleton, June 2010

  3. Brian Jensen, 2010, bachelor thesis student, advisor

    Title: Motor Actuated Exoskeleton, June 2010

  4. Kaiwen Hu, 2015, bachelor thesis student, advisor

    Title: Multi-Objective Evolutionary Computation based on NSGA-II and Decomposition

  5. Yewei Chen, 2015, bachelor thesis student, advisor

    Title: Investigation and Simulation of Agricultural Robots Based on Webots Software

  6. Qiya Huang, 2015, bachelor thesis student, advisor

    Title: Design of Interactive Interface for Evolutionary Computation Based on C++/java

  7. Lianlian Chen, 2015, bachelor thesis student, advisor

    Title: Production information management system in stitching workshop

  8. Songyan Liang, 2015, bachelor thesis student, advisor

    Title: Investigation and Simulation of Snake-like Robot Based on Webots Software

  9. Hao Zou, 2015, bachelor thesis student, advisor

    Title:  3D Visualization Research and Implementation for Medical CT Image

  10. Shushan Huang, 2016, bachelor thesis student, advisor (工作单位:汕头大学)

    Title:  Programming education robot platform based on STM32F407

  11. Jiewei Lu, 2016, bachelor thesis student, advisor (保送硕士:汕头大学)

    Title:  Convolutional Neural Networks For Vessel Segmentation in Retinal Images

  12. Feng Chen, 2016, bachelor thesis student, advisor (攻读博士:爱丁堡大学)

    Title:  The Research of Brain Segmentation Algorithm

  13. Jiajie Mo, 2016, bachelor thesis student, advisor (保送硕士:汕头大学)

    Title:  Blood Vessel Segmentation in Retina Images

  14. Yaohong Li, 2016, bachelor thesis student, advisor (工作单位:深圳江行联加智能科技有限公司)

    Title:  Cube restore robot base on the STM32F4 and android 3D

  15. Hanchong Zhou, 2017, bachelor thesis student, advisor (升学:加拿大卡尔加里大学)

    Title:  A Design of Path Planning Algorithm for Mobile Robot System

  16. Fanzhi Liao, 2017, bachelor thesis student, advisor  (工作单位:深慧视(深圳)科技有限公司)

    Title:  User Privacy Critical Information Fuzzy Processing

  17. Jinan Feng, 2017, bachelor thesis student, advisor (保送硕士:汕头大学)

    Title:  The Simulation and Implementation of 2-DOF Robot Manipulator Control System

  18. Benzhang Qiu, 2017, bachelor thesis student, advisor (保送硕士:汕头大学)

    Title:  A method to control manipulators with multi-degree of freedom based on vision

  19. Zijian Jiang, 2017, bachelor thesis student, advisor (工作单位:香港中文大学(深圳)机器人与智能制造研究院)

    Title:  Embedded Main Control System Design for Quadrupled Robot

  20. Wenzhao Chen, 2017, bachelor thesis student, advisor (保送硕士:汕头大学)

    Title:  Cloud Based Autonomous Navigation for Service Robot

  21. Yulu Han, 2017, bachelor thesis student, advisor

    Title:  Blood Vessel Segmentation of Fundus Image Based on Conventional Neural Network

  22. Junrong Lin, 2017, bachelor thesis student, advisor (工作单位:珠海格力电器股份有限公司)

    Title:  The tail fiber end face bad automatic test software design

  23. Qichang Pan, 2018, bachelor thesis student, advisor (工作单位:CVTE · 视源股份)

    Title:  Object tracing and capturing system based on the image recognition technology

  24. Zhengwei Ren, 2018, bachelor thesis student, advisor

    Title:  The Design of Image Style Transfer Based on Convolution Neural Networks

  25. Chenwei Chen, 2018, bachelor thesis student, advisor 

    Title:  Image-based Object Recognition and Detection

  26. Zhihong Liu, 2018, bachelor thesis student, advisor (工作单位:汕头大学)

    Title:  Practical application based on deep neural network

  27. Yiheng Lu, 2018, bachelor thesis student, advisor (升学:西安电子科技大学)

    Title:  The Optomization Of DNN Structure With Genetic Algorithm

  28. Xiaopeng He, 2018, bachelor thesis student, advisor

    Title:  Face Detection Based on AdaBoost

  29. Kangpei Xian, 2018, bachelor thesis student, advisor

    Title:  Research on Industrial Robots Detection and Positioning System Based on Binocular Vision

  30. Yuanqing Yang, 2019, bachelor thesis student, advisor

    Title:  The research of industrial character recognition based on OCR

  31. Yiming Duan, 2019, bachelor thesis student, advisor (工作单位:CVTE · 视源股份)

    Title:  The research of remote monitoring system based on VR technology

  32. Jianye Hu, 2019, bachelor thesis student, advisor

    Title:  Visual servo control of manipulators based on machine learning

  33. Langen Pan, 2019, bachelor thesis student, advisor (工作单位:中国工商银行软件开发中心)

    Title:  Design of fund trading platform based on block chain

  34. Yurong Huang, 2019, bachelor thesis student, advisor (升学:中山大学)

    Title:  The Research of Object Detection Based on Industrial Images

  35. 邓芙蓉,2016-2020,题目:基于云的视觉SLAM回环检测,2020.5答辩,答辩PPT点击下载:《基于云的视觉SLAM回环检测》,                                                论文点击下载:Download PDF,(升学:深圳大学)
  36. 辛佳铭:2016-2020,题目:基于传统TSP的机器人路径规划问题优化,2020.5答辩,答辩PPT点击下载: ,论文点击下载:Download PDF, (升学:南洋理工大学)
  37. 符润展,2016-2020,题目:基于5G-V2X的车路协同方案研究,2020.5答辩,答辩PPT点击下载:《基于5G-v2X的车路协同方案研究》,论文点击下载:Download PDF, (工作单位:深圳市人工智能与机器人研究院)
  38. 梁威翔,2016-2020,题目:基于判别相关滤波器及人体骨架提取的跟随机器人系统,2020.5答辩,答辩PPT点击下载:《基于判别相关滤波器及人体骨架提取的跟随机器人系统》,论文点击下载:Download PDF,(升学:澳门大学)

交换生指导Exchange student advisees

  1. Bo Li, 2007 – 2008, exchange PhD student, co- supervisor (with Saeema Ahmed)  Title: Design process reuse for Mechatronic System Design
  2. Wang Wei, 2005 – 2006, exchange PhD student, co-supervisor (with Xiansheng Qin) Title: Genetically generated double-level fuzzy controller with a fuzzy adjustment strategy


  1. 叶志豪、李建立、胡文鑫、何伟源、林培涵、马培立、李晓明、钟铸威、黄铭威,2021年《超级堵手-热力管道在线修复开创者》第十六届“挑战杯”广东大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛中荣获“二等奖”
  2. 宁为博、黄华兴、徐千睿、吴炎锋、陈胜、刘梓鹏、陈莹莹、陈伟龙、陈立波,2021年《焕发新机-基于iiwa机械臂和自主研发植发笔的智能植发仪》第十六届“挑战杯”广东大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛中荣获“三等奖”【荣誉证书】
  3. 陈颖,李冲,李建立,2021年在“兆易创新杯”第十六届中国研究生电子设计竞赛中,荣获华南赛区“二等奖”
  4. 李冲, 2020年汕头大学博士研究生国家奖学金
  5. 罗晨林,熊宇,2020年在“兆易创新杯”第十五届中国研究生电子设计竞赛中,荣获华南赛区“团队二等奖”【荣誉证书】
  6. 黄文宁,2020年荣获“未来挑战杯高校AI挑战赛”图像赛道华南赛区第三名【荣誉证书】
  7. 刘喆汇,陈胜,洪润森,谢沛钦,陈莹莹,刘梓鹏,林培涵,张望,徐千睿,曾考贤,马培立,李晓明,陆惠婕,龙周彬,喻妤婕,2020年《聪明不绝顶——智能植毛仪》在第六届中国国际”互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛广东省分赛高教主赛道决赛中表现优异,荣获“铜奖”【荣誉证书】
  8. 陈文钊,朱贵杰,游煜根,邱本章,符润展,陈京鸣,侯有钊,2019年《用于电厂带压堵漏的多功能复合型机器人研究》在第十五届“挑战杯”广东大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛中荣获“三等奖”【荣誉证书】
  9. 李中兴,方毅,2017年中国研究生电子设计竞赛全国二等奖,华南赛区一等奖
  10. 赵雷,谢红辉,肖扬,2016年全国研究生电子设计竞赛华南赛区二等奖
  11. 姚利,李冲,王宇鹏,2016年全国研究生电子设计竞赛华南赛区二等奖
  12. 卢杰威,2017-2018年度,广东省优秀研究生,汕头大学优秀研究生一等奖学金
  13. 姚利, 2017-2018年度汕头大学优秀研究生二等奖学金
  14. 卢杰威, 2018年汕头大学硕士研究生国家奖学金
  15. 李中兴,李冲, 2017年汕头大学硕士研究生国家奖学金
  16. 谢红辉, 2016-2017年度汕头大学优秀研究生二等奖学金
  17. 肖杨,赵雷, 2016年汕头大学硕士研究生国家奖学金
  18. 容毅标,左右祥, 2015年汕头大学硕士研究生国家奖学金


  1. 黄铭威,李健立,洪若峰,何伟源,2019年《搭载机械手臂的智能移动监控小车》在第七届广东省大学生“合泰杯”单片机应用设计竞赛,荣获“三等奖”【荣誉证书】
  2. 胡建业,谢玉圣,林仕敏,江燕汾,梁成,黎钰晖,陈镕坤,李星,黄铭威,2019年《乐博士教育EST编程机器人》在第十五届“挑战杯”广东大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛中荣获“二等奖”【荣誉证书】
  3. 胡凯文,广东省2015年挑战杯特等奖,全国三等奖。
  4. 游煜根,获得2016年汕头大学奖章。
  5. 段一鸣,潘蓝根,陈梓希,黄宇荣,2017年丝绸之路机器人创意大赛一等奖
  6. 芦毅衡,黄国明,朱俊安,汤煦安,谭晓锋,王朋,2017中国服务机器人大赛家庭服务机器人Follow项目亚军(一等奖),家庭服务机器人WhoIsWho项目季军(一等奖),家庭服务机器人声源定位与语音识别项目三等奖
  7. 周汉翀,冯靖安,郑重鹏,邱本章,方朝晖,李宗杰,2015年中日韩CEDC暨国际工程设计竞赛金奖


  1. IROS 2019 汕头市机器人与智能制造研究院视频。[视频]
  2. 白海豚背鳍定位与识别系统。[视频]
  3. 在线管道修复机器人系统。[视频1]  [视频2]  [视频3] [视频-整合版] [视频-电厂试运行]
  4. 触屏机器人实验与运行功能演示。[视频1]  [视频2]
  5. 基于VR技术的远程监控系统。[视频]
  6. 基于深度学习的复合机器人物品抓取分类演示。[视频]
  7. 多用途四轮复合型机器人及其专用机械臂,可广泛应用于农业及工业生产中。[视频1]  [视频2]
  8. 三代智能移动服务机器人平台,可应用于:服务/安防/个人及家庭老龄人护理/协助医疗工作等机器人。[视频1]  [视频2]
  9. 六轴机械臂示教器,已经应用于某些企业的喷涂车间中。 示教器视频点击:[视频1]  上位机视频点击:[视频2]  点数据采样视频点击:[视频3]  跟随操作视频点击:[视频4]
  10. 六足仿生机器人,可以广泛应用于各种复杂的工作环境。[视频]
  11. 卡片式编程机器人系统,所开发的产品已经上市。[视频]
  12. 医院用智能交通机器人,可用于医院减轻医护人员工作负担。疗工作等机器人。[视频]
  13. 基于视觉感知的焊接机器人,感知并判断焊接质量的好坏,并向机器手给出正确的控制指令以提高焊接质量。[视频]
  14. 科教型机器人平台智能小车Pluto,可在手机APP控制下实现经典遥控,划线控制以及语音控制等多种控制方式。[视频]
  15. 基于断层分解机制的高维多目标进化算法,本算法在NSGA-Ⅱ的基础上加入断层分解机制和多种群协同进化得到该算法。[视频]
  16. 基于视觉抓取系统机械臂,广泛运用在仓库智能化分拣物品。[视频]
  17. 解魔方机器人,演示解魔方具体过程。[视频]
  18. 可视化编程机器人,通过仿真过程实现机器人的草图设计、程序编写、零件组装等一系列工作。[视频]
  19. 设计自动化平台,该平台结合三维仿真、智能优化算法及大数据技术,可以实现用户设定性能指标下的机器人多目标优化设计方案求解,输出最优性能设计方案集。[视频]
  20. 无人机系统,可用于军事用侦查,农业信息采集等。[视频]
  21. 烟草植株识别与技术系统,精准的烟草植株检测有助于评估烟草植株的产量,而该产量常常涉及到农民的政府补贴,且便于对烟草作物的管理。[视频1]  [视频2]
  22. 眼底图像系统,可应用于医疗/疾病预防等方面。[视频]
  23. 积木机器人,用于中小学教育,益智类游戏,开发学生智力等。[视频]
  24. 基于深度学习的水果抓取,广泛应用农业机器人,以技术替代资源,提高资源利用率和农业产出率,从而提高经济效益。[视频]
  25. 复合型机器人专用机械臂,应用于工业、农业生产,帮助人们完成重复、繁重的劳动;也应用于服务业,帮助老年人、残障人应对生活中的不便。[视频]











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