Leonid Ivanov, born in 1958, currently serves as academician, Vice-President and Chief Scientific Secretary of the Russian and International Academies of Engineering, PhD, Member of the Russian Journalists Union and International Federation of Journalists.
In 1975, Leonid Ivanov entered the Rostov Military Engineering Academy (specialty: operation of devices and flight control systems; qualification: electrical engineer) and in 1980, he graduated from it. After the graduation he did his military service in Strategic Missile Forces.In 1989 – 1992, L. Ivanov studied in Peter the Great Military Academy of Strategic Missile Forces. After the graduation with honors he worked in Central Scientific Research Institute, Ministry of Defense and held the following positions: junior research assistant, research officer, senior research officer, laboratory chief, head of the department.
Research Results
Leonid Ivanov has made important contributions to military equipment, aircraft control and other national defense technology fields, and his key findings are published in the following collections of works: Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology "Science, Equipment, Production", Central Design Bureau of Heavy Engineering "55 years in a Space-Rocket Industry", scientific and technical works of Peter the Great Military Academy.
In view of the outstanding contributions of academician ivalov, he has won many honors and awards, such as Golden Mark of the Russian Academy of Engineering, Honourable Golden Mark of the International Academy of Engineering, 150th anniversary of Russian Institute of technology , Gold medal of the Engineering Academy of the Kyrgyz Republic "Engineering Glory", the Gold medal "Engineering Valor" of the Azerbaijan engineering Academy, etc.
Leonid Ivanov was awarded the title of "Guest Professor of Wuhan University of Technology (China)", "Honorary Professor of both Shantou University and Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Digital Signal and Image Processing of Shantou University" (China), "Honorary (foreign) academician of the Engineering Academy of the Republic of Tajikistan", "Honorary academician of the Engineering Academy of the Kyrgyz Republic", "Honorary member of the Engineering Academy of Armenia".