汕头大学主页|汕头大学工学院|English Vision




李兵,博士,硕士生导师 办公室:行政中心263 Email: bingli@stu.edu.cn


李兵,博士,硕士生导师, 2010年博士毕业于中国人民解放军军械工程学院,所撰写的博士论文2013年获全国百篇优秀博士论文提名,2012年入选优秀博士论文和河北省优秀博士论文;荣立个人三等功3次;主要研究领域为信号处理与机器学习。以第一作者发表论文44篇,其中SCI收录15篇,EI收录20篇(与SCI不重复);出版学术专著5部;主持国家自然科学基金1项、国家重点实验室基金2项,参与其它科研项目11项;国家自然科学基金同行评议专家;国内外20余种SCI、EI期刊审稿人。



1999.09-2003.06 中国人民解放军军械工程学院 机械工程及自动化(学士)

2003.06-2006.03 中国人民解放军军械工程学院 车辆工程(硕士)

2006.04-2010.12 中国人民解放军军械工程学院 火炮自动武器及弹药工程(博士)


2011.01-2014.12 中国人民解放军军械工程学院, 讲师

2015.01-2017.06 中国人民解放军军械工程学院, 副教授

2017.07-2018.12 中国人民解放军陆军工程大学, 副教授

2019.05-至今 汕头大学工学院电子工程系, 副教授




1. 国家自然基金青年基金项目:齿轮箱早期故障信号的数学形态学分析与智能分类方法研究[51205405],24万元,2013-2015(主持)

2. 国家重点实验室基金:电磁环境信号的分形分析,13万元,2015-2016(主持)

3. 汕头大学科研启动经费项目:数学形态学智能计算及应用[NTF19016],60万元,2019-2022(主持)



  1. Bing Li, Shuang-shan Mi, Peng-yuan Liu,Zheng-jun Wang. Classification of time-frequency representations using improved morphological pattern spectrum for engine fault diagnosis. Journal of Sound and Vibration,2013, 332(13):3329-3337 (SCI:000318131500015).
  2. Bing Li, Pei-lin Zhang, Shuang-shan Mi, Ren-xi Hu, Peng-yuan Liu, Appling the fuzzy lattice neurocomputing (FLN) classifier model for gear fault diagnosis, Neural Computing & Application, 2013, Vol 22 (3-4): 627-636 (SCI: 000314844300022).
  3. Bing Li, Pei-lin Zhang, Qiong Mao, Shuang-shan Mi, Peng-yuan Liu. Gear fault detection using adaptive morphological gradient lifting wavelet. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2013, 19(11):1646-1657 (SCI:000321565100004).
  4. Bing Li, Pei-lin Zhang, Shuang-shan Mi, Peng-yuan Liu, Zheng-jun Wang. Engine fault diagnosis based on morphological neural network using morphological filter as a preprocessor. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D:Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2013, 227(4):490-505 (SCI :000318181100004).
  5. Bing Li, Pei-lin Zhang, Zheng-jun Wang, Shuang-shan Mi, Peng-yuan Liu,Morphological covering based generalized dimension for gear fault diagnosis, Nonlinear Dynamics,2012,Vol 67 (1): 2561-2571 (SCI: 000300187500020).
  6. Bing Li, Pei-lin Zhang, Shuang-shan Mi, Ren-xi Hu, Dong-sheng Liu. An adaptive morphological gradient lifting wavelet for detecting bearing defects. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2012, Vol 29 (5):415-427 (SCI:000303270800030).
  7. Bing Li, Pei-lin Zhang, Ren-xi Hu, Shuang-shan Mi, Peng-yuan Liu. Fuzzy lattice classifier and its application to bearing fault diagnosis. Applied Soft Computing, 2012,Vol 12 (6): 1708-1719 (SCI:000302787900009).
  8. Bing Li, Pei-lin Zhang, Hao Tian, Shuang-shan Mi, A new feature extraction and selection scheme for hybrid fault diagnosis of gearbox, Expert Systems with Applications,2011, 38(8): 10000-10009 (SCI: 000290237500107). 
  9. Bing Li, Pei-lin Zhang, Shuang-shan Mi, Ying-tang Zhang, Dong-sheng Liu, Multi-scale fractal dimension based on morphological covering for gear fault diagnosis, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C:Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2011, Vol 225, Issue 9:2242-2249  (SCI:000294071900018).
  10. Bing Li, Pei-lin Zhang, Dong-sheng Liu, Shuang-shan Mi, Peng-yuan Liu, Classification of time-frequency representations based on two-direction 2DLDA for gear fault diagnosis, Applied Soft Computing,2011, Vol 11 (8): 5299-5305 (SCI:000296539700080). 
  11. Bing Li, Pei-lin Zhang, Dong-sheng Liu, Shuang-shan Mi, Feature extraction for rolling element bearing fault diagnosis utilizing generalized S transform and two-dimensional non-negative matrix factorization, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2011, 330 (10): 2388-2399 (SCI: 000289326100020).
  12. Bing Li, Pei-lin Zhang, Shu-bao Liang, Ying-tang Zhang, Hong-bo Fan, Feature extraction for engine fault diagnosis utilizing the generalized S-transform and non-negative tensor factorization, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C:Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2011, Vol 225, Issue 8:1936-1949 (SCI: 000293913900017).
  13. Bing Li, Pei-lin Zhang, Zheng-jun Wang, Shuang-shan Mi, Dong-sheng Liu, A weighted multi-scale morphological gradient filter for rolling element bearing fault detection,ISA Transactions, 2011,50(4):599-608 (SCI: 00029550230009).
  14. Bing Li, Pei-lin Zhang, Zheng-jun Wang, Shuang-shan Mi, Gear fault detection using multi-scale morphological filters, Measurement, 2011,44(10):2078-2089 (SCI: 000297084400032).
  15. Bing Li, Pei-lin Zhang, Shuang-shan Mi, Dong-sheng Liu, Application of S transform and morphological pattern spectrum for gear fault diagnosis, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C:Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2011, Vol 225, Issue 12:2963-2972 (SCI: 000298983900017).
  16. 李兵, 张培林, 任国全, 刘东升, 米双山. 运用EMD和GA-SVM的齿轮故障特征提取与选择, 振动、测试与诊断,2009,29(4): 445~449 (EI:20100412666963)
  17. 李兵, 张培林, 刘东升, 任国全, 米双山. 基于形态梯度解调算子的齿轮故障特征提取, 振动、测试与诊断, 2010,30(1):29 ~34. (EI :20101812907077)
  18. 李兵, 张培林, 任国全, 刘东升, 米双山. 基于数学形态学的分形维数计算及在轴承故障诊断中的应用, 振动与冲击, 2010,29(5):191~194. (EI:20101812907035,)
  19. 李兵, 张培林, 任国全, 刘东升, 米双山. 基于形态提升小波变换的滚动轴承故障特征提取, 振动、测试与诊断,2011,31(1):36~40(EI:20111513910620)
  20. 李兵, 张培林, 米双山, 刘东升, 任国全. 齿轮故障信号多重分形维数的形态学计算方法, 振动、测试与诊断,2011,31(4):450~453(EI: 20113914375009)
  21. 李兵, 张培林, 刘东升, 米双山, 任国全. 基于自适应多尺度形态梯度变换的滚动轴承故障特征提取, 振动与冲击,2011,30(10):104~108(EI: 20114614524607)
  22. 李兵, 张培林, 米双山, 刘东升, 任国全. 形态学广义分形维数在发动机故障诊断中的应用, 振动与冲击,2011,30(10):208~211(EI: 20114614524626)
  23. 李兵, 张培林, 米双山, 刘东升, 刘鹏远. 二维非负矩阵分解在齿轮故障诊断中的应用, 振动、测试与诊断,2012,32(5):836~840(EI:20124915770485)
  24. 李兵, 董俊, 刘鹏远,米双山. 模糊格构造型形态神经网络,电子学报, 2014(02): 319-327 (EI :20141517566535).
  25. 李兵, 高敏, 张旭光,贾春宁. 用形态梯度法与非负矩阵分解的齿轮故障诊断, 振动.测试与诊断, 2014 (02) : 295-300+398 (EI :20142317795909).
  26. 李兵, 徐榕, 贾春宁,郭清晨. 基于自适应形态提升小波与改进非负矩阵分解的发动机故障诊断方法,兵工学报, 2013 (03) : 353-360 (EI :20131916321699).



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